places to visit > abroad

Help with visiting Arrakis

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--- Quote from: Johnny Brown on March 11, 2024, 12:12:12 pm ---Arrakis is 88 light years away. If time or budget is tight, you might consider Perfection, Nevada.
Pros: climate and rock are pretty good
Cons: worms somewhat less domesticated.

--- End quote ---

If you're ever bouldering in Bishop, it's worth a visit to the Museum of Western Film History in Lone Pine, where they've got the actual Graboids from the film on display. Apparently, ownership of them has been retained by the film company should they wish to use them in future movies. We can but hope.

SA Chris:
Might happen sooner than we think...

One key thing to mention is music is banned at all crags - ESPECIALLY any house, trance or techno.

The local wildlife really isn't a fan.

This is true on earth too

 :clap2: @Duma and Johnny Brown


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