the shizzle > power club

Power Club 740 12-18 Feb 2023

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M - Albarracín, Arrastradero. Much more pleasant temps, but still decent connies. Warned up at Bidedua wall, including said problem. Flashed L'empotrament del Lament 7A after Roz showed the way, then struggled for too long on Inéschakra 7B, managed the moves but couldn't put it together. Flashed the stand on Mantra 6C and pleased to quickly do all the moves on Manuchakra 7C, will be back for this. Over the path, spent a bit more energy dropping Los Titriteros 7A+ at the lip (bit of a theme so far on the big roofs here). Moved on and managed a flash of Profundo 7B, again thanks to Roz for beta. Back across and a couple of classic 6C's, then one from the wishlist, La Lágrima 7A. As good as hoped despite the polished start, and got to repay some of my beta debt.
T - rest. Swim in a (freezing) waterfall.
W - Albarracín, La Fuente. Bit warm and humid to start, then just warm later. Got the amazing mantle of Mantle en el Bolsillo 7A after a bit of a struggle, then resoundingly spanked by La Fuente 7C, yet another reminder that everything looks easier on a video. Redeemed myself with flashes of Pirita Madre and El Chorro, both 7A. Struggled with the mantle of Techos de los Alemanes 7A in the sun, but got there eventually, then easy flash of El Tomasazo 7A, seemed very soft more like 6C? Finished on Fight Club 7B+, too tired at end of the day for realistic send attempts but got all the moves.
T - Albarracín, Arrastradero. Warm up then Rammstein 7B, felt hard initially but OK once fingers had properly warmed up. Then back to Manuchakra 7C, got it pretty much first go from the start after redoing the moves. Pleased with this, great problem despite the polish. Flashed the spiky Hojaldre 7A on thinning skin to finish.
F - Albarracín, La Fuente. Semi rest day, late start to let the dampness of last night dry off. Mostly spotting, but did a couple of 6C's and the rather excellent El Ovni 7A.
S - Albarracín, Arrastradero and Parking. Glorious weather, sunny but crisp. Warm up then much trying and failing on the excellent Grasshopper 7A+. Then back to meet the others, flashed Calibre 25 7A on the way. Over to parking for a chilled final afternoon, got Zooruyo 7A in a couple of gos with Remus' beta, and flashed the very generous La Letrina 7A+(7A/6C+?). Bit more of a struggle on Empotration 7A but ok once managed the first move. Finished the trip and my arms on Sandstone Traverse 7A, flashed by skin of my teeth.
S - travel.

? kg.

Great trip, nice to do another bouldering holiday after a few years sport climbing. Didn't try everything on my list but that's fair enough in a group, and happy to get a bunch done and tick 7C again after a few years.

Nice haul Duma

M.  Home warm up. Tor. Nick S already there. Could feel core was down a notch. Managed from pocket and crimp to failing on cross thru 3 or 4 times. Not bad, not good either. Nick got super close on Bens Original.

T.  Ergo edge BW hangs FC, HC and Drag 10,10 and 10 secs and 3 x pull-ups at each grip type. Foot-on one arm undegrcut pulls on edge.  Foot off one arm undercut locks on bar BE . Front lever attempts. Assisted one arm undercut locks on edge with 17.5kg counterweight on pulley.


T. Foundry Furnace. Easy routes on autobelay

F. Tor. Condensed. A couple briefl turned up to look at the crag. Told after it was Stefano Ghisolfi and his girlfriend. Tried to dry holds but lost patience - and confidence. Started up Tin Of but feet pinging off all over the shop. Despondent. Bailed. Dog walk. Home. Ergo Edge. FC, HC and drag +15kg 10, 10 and 7 secs +20kg 8,6 and 7 secs



Bit of a downer after Spain.

Monday. 3 x 20 seconds hangs, 20mm edge, 20kgs added. 2 hours indoor bouldering. Did several wasps at the works and a load of easier volume.

Wednesday - Managed to get a Kilter Session in on Valentines! Did a 7A, and flashed a 7A+ (Swoopin', must be soft). 3 x 20 seconds, 20kgs etc. Pullups, weighted pullups (3x3 @25kgs), ring rows, one armed ring rows, wide pullups, low rows.

Thursday - Hang Cleans up to 80kgs. Nice to progress these slowly. Front Squats too.

Friday - Two hours indoor bouldering on the new Yellow circuit. Did 15 or so, flashed many. Felt good, trust in slopey feet and commitment was there. They seem hard for the circuit, would like to do them all. 3 x 12 dumbbell bench @ 20kgs, 3 x 8 dumbbell overhead press @ 12.5kgs

Saturday- rested

Sunday - Weightlifting, Hang Snatched up to 42.5kgs (I know what a monster lol), Front Squat Doubles, Push Press @ 50kgs, rows. Kilter Session, did various things inc. 7A and 7A+. Felt good on those. 45 mins hot yoga.

M - Gym a.m. Weighed pull ups up to 10kg today. Feels good, going to stick here for a bit. Deadlifts 70kg, want to make sure form ok before going heavier. 5k run evening.
T - Set of 7,13 repeaters. Yoga
W - Project. 45 board. 6A+ ish level. All quite big holds.
T - Nothing.
F - Yoga. V. small amount of elbow physio strength stuff.
S - Yoga. Quick board session before the night shift. 6As/6A+ level, felt good, did one failed on wed.
S - Yoga. Elbow physio strength. Little time so not much rest. Grip reverse bicep curls, shoulder external rotations, push ups. 3 sets each.

mr chaz:
Power Club:

T. Shed session - warm up on fingerboard, 3 x max hangs on lattice edge - 12kg. 1 hour on the woodie.
T. Shed session - same as above, whilst also having a little reset of the some of the bigger holds on there.
S. 5hrs DIY at brothers house, frickin snore
S. Facilitating my toddlers bustling social life


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