the shizzle > equipment

Ideas to stop mould on board

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Paul B:

--- Quote from: monkey boy on February 17, 2024, 04:22:27 pm ---Airflow hasn't helped on my board at all, I just don't we get enough where the building is.

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Have you considered an air mover? Fiend described mine as having a leaf blower pointed directly at his face. I think originally they were designed for drying out houses after floods (the first time I was aware of them was in Florida following a pipe burst in an unattended holiday home). I've got the VacMaster Cardio which has the remote (useful for when sat on a turbo) but for a board the cheaper yellow versions might be worth a look and you could plug it into a timer/smart plug. The throughput seems much larger than fans you typically see people buying.

(the Cardio 54 was about £70 when I bought it).


--- Quote from: Betajunkie on February 18, 2024, 11:44:23 am ---I plan on stripping mine and sanding it down in the summer then painting over it. Any ideas on which paint would work best?
Board is outside in a shed.

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My approach if starting from scratch and there's a concern for mould/exposure to the elements. Is to treat it like it is outside. A coat of wood preserver on first, soak in and dry for a day, then a good quality outdoors stain/paint... like a decking paint. That anti slip stuff is pretty hardcore. Don't use any outdoor paints/fence paints, generally they're fooking uesless.

Re the damp issues... air movement has to be thought of as how many times the air in the space/building is replaced. Air changes per hour. If you find a way of continuously changing the air, bringing in relatively less moist air from outside and replacing the relatively higher moisture laden air then you stand a chance of controlling damp. Dreaching my memory (previous career in building service design for which I've purged most off it now) you need to be looking at 1-2 air changes per hour. Easily achieved with a small extract fan. Ideally extract one end of room, some form of equally size vent the other.
What I'm saying is, if you can fit one, in a door or window, stick a 4 or even better 6 inch extract fan in. If you can control it with a humidistat. Mains connected. Screwfix job will cost you £30-40. I'd like to see this not work.
Dehumidifying, the room needs to be completely sealed up, insulated and heated to work.

Rich Armour:
Reviving this one to get people thoughts on varnishing holds to protect them from mould.

I had to stop climbing for about 7 to 8 months and am just starting to get back into it now.

I'd noticed mould growing on some of the holds on my board (it's in a shed) several months back so I cleaned them all down  with a mould cleaner then put them into storage, but have just cracked open the box and found some of them have mould on again.

Plan is to give them another good clean and potentially varnish them to protect against future mould.

Has anyone done this? Any issues with varnished holds? (Thinking glassiness/condensation)

I never really had issues when I was using the board regularly, so might be overthinking it and just need to get them up and start using it again!

Yeah you're overthinking it. Get them up again and start using them.

My most popular holds don't have mould on which lead me to believe mould doesn't like chalk so covered most holds in chalk which basically prevented the mould on holds my problem is on the plywood of the board itself.


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