the shizzle > equipment

Ideas to stop mould on board

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monkey boy:
Most of these replies seem to focus on airflow and heat. Airflow hasn't helped on my board at all, I just don't we get enough where the building is. I've set the dehumidifer up now so I'll see if that helps.

For me the biggest issues is it growing on the holds themselves. We have got some on the ply board but not as much.

I'll see how dehumidifer goes and then maybe try heater at some point too.

All useful stuff.

Worth saying I've tried a dehumidifier in mine and it made no difference, even using a decent size mains based one. It's not a sealed space so unless it's an absolutely massive / industrial type one it'll always be fighting a losing battle. It also got rapidly clogged with chalk, and they're not cheap to run.

Another idea I've had, but not tried yet, is using a thermostatic greenhouse heater like this one

Gives a constant low level supply of heat at low wattage so, in theory, should work to keep the heat a little higher than the ambient temp and therefore stop the damp coming in.

Is the concern that the mould will affect the strength of the board, or the texture of the holds?

My board is nearly 10 years old, in a damp wooden shed with no heating, up here north of Inverness. I get a few patches of the bluey-grey mould on some of the ply surface and on some wooden holds (think different wood is more/less susceptible) but have never done anything about it and am not aware that it's ever caused any issues. I could be wrong, but I get the impression that the mould doesn't like chalk.


--- Quote from: Bradders on February 17, 2024, 06:47:47 pm ---Worth saying I've tried a dehumidifier in mine and it made no difference, even using a decent size mains based one. It's not a sealed space

--- End quote ---

I love this. We have one for using in the house and tried to dehumidify the neighbourhood (and beyond) the first couple of times we used it. We quickly cottoned on.

I plan on stripping mine and sanding it down in the summer then painting over it. Any ideas on which paint would work best?
Board is outside in a shed.


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