the shizzle > equipment

Ideas to stop mould on board

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What is the outhouse constructed from/like...? Brick/block single/double wall. Blockwork can be troublesome if not properly sealed.

monkey boy:
Thanks for all that.

I normally leave three windows open and then the door when I'm in there, hasn't made much difference. It's pretty hemmed in so we get very little air flow there which is probably the issue. There's also a lot of moisture as we have a big hillside behind us.

It's made of limestone, just single walled.

Didn't have any issues last winter which is what I found odd.

monkey boy:

--- Quote from: petejh on February 16, 2024, 02:14:58 pm ---Other than airflow or spending loads on heating, nope. I use the HG mould killer stuff, gets rid of it quickly.  Your board will smell of chlorine for an hour or two after.

--- End quote ---

We have some of that actually so can use that for now.

Blast it with a turbo heater for 20 minutes a day. Cheap from Toolstation etc.


--- Quote from: monkey boy on February 16, 2024, 06:08:20 pm ---
It's made of limestone, just single walled.

--- End quote ---

Oh  :whistle:. Can you knock up an open fire and chimney?

Yeah that'll be letting a bit of moisture/damp through especially if its lime mortared.


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