the shizzle > diet, training and injuries

Back to running after the snip

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I had a mate who gleefully reported having very little discomfort at all.

He went back to give his sample and it turned out he was still firing live rounds so had to go in again.

The second surgeon commented that he had no idea what the first had done cos clearly things were still intact.  The op was more effective at the second time of asking, although my mate was laid up in bed for a couple of days feeling like he’d been kicked in the nuts.

I realise that sharing this with you doesn’t serve any useful purpose.  :P

Good luck!

Tough call which of the two is the more painful. If it’s any clue I had the snip twice but only did the Old County Tops once.

I seem to remember I tried some gentle cycling first and then jogging, maybe 2 weeks in?


--- Quote from: webbo on February 12, 2024, 08:51:47 pm ---I went to the gym the next day. Upper body workout followed by rowing machine, cycle. Next day walked 8 miles, then day off followed by climbing the next 2 days. Then ran 6 miles the next day, 6 days after the op.
This was 28 years ago and I don’t remember getting any advice avoiding things.

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I'm not surprised at all.

I took a long time to get over inguinal hernia repair, but plenty of people seem to manage to train really quite quickly afterwards.

I can't even imagine contemplating cycling post snip  :sick:


--- Quote from: mrjonathanr on February 12, 2024, 08:36:24 pm ---
--- Quote from: rodma on February 12, 2024, 08:29:46 pm ---
Two nuggets of advice

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I couldn't resist

When I had mine done, my GP referred to a surgeon who specialised in vasectomy’s and it was some sort private arrangement. You went to the guys house and he had a surgical theatre in his conservatory and he did the op assisted by his wife.
However the picture I have in my memory is that he did it while I was laid on the kitchen table.


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