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IFSC comps 2024

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Comp season is approaching, Plywood Masters this weekend seems like one of the first preseason events.

I noticed Yufei Pan is in semi finals. Anyone know how long he's here, and what else he's up to - sticking around til CWIF maybe? It's relatively rare we get foreign climbers come over so I'm always interested to find out what they get up to (ie any sessions on rock...)

Here's the finals livestream, from 1630

Edit: one for semis too

Erin Mcneice has qualified for semis in 4th place in China, only second to janja in her half of the draw.

That is a great result. Well done her!

Not sure I understand the scoring. Why is she ahead some of climbers with 5 tops (some with less attempts)?


--- Quote from: wasbeen on April 08, 2024, 07:42:11 am ---Not sure I understand the scoring. Why is she ahead some of climbers with 5 tops (some with less attempts)?

--- End quote ---

Two separate groups for qualifying, she came second in group A, looks like problems were much easier in group B.

Thanks. I hadn't realised the two groups did different problems. I had (wrongly) assumed they did the same problems at a different time.


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