the shizzle > diet, training and injuries

Dry Skinners

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As a sufferer of incredibly dry skin, splits, cracks and general skin issues that come with dry skin I thought it could be useful to have a thread for people to share their tips and tricks for moisturising, sanding, tools etc.

Usually as the season changes into winter around January my skin becomes particularly bad and I start getting splits on my tips which can be game over for the grit season so I’ve had to come up with some ways of managing this.

I’ll throw a few of my own tips:

- drink 2 litres of water per day

- Moisturising creams that work well: Cerave Reparative Hand Cream, Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream, okeefes working hands, climbskin, rhino split - I try to stick to dermatologically tested hand creams rather than climbing balms but some do work well like split

- in case of splits use a razor blade to trim down the split on both sides so there’s no overhanging skin, essentially creating an open valley, moisturise hands with hand cream then use a globule of rhino split and shove it into the valley, tape up overnight. Skin heals better when it’s at maximum moisture and taping crates the necessary humidity, heals the split within 2-3 days, once it’s healed over make sure to sand it lightly every day to keep the skin even

- use a manicure dremel to sand calluses on palms, can also be used to sand the joints between fingers where skin builds up and can split

- moisturise with cotton gloves overnight to keep skin very moisturised

- use water or something like rhino spit before applying chalk - janja/ondra also does this before her sessions as they suffers from dry skin, means less dry fires and less likely to split

- stop before you split!! (One I really need to work on) - as we all know it’s much easier to heal grated skin but a split takes much much longer.

If ya have any tips please share them, always looking to up my skin maintenance  :beer2:

Usually have absolutely sopping hands but on the rare occasion I've managed to use too much antihydral I've found a combination of 25,000 iu vitamin e cream and vaseline has helped

Slather your hands in E45 before bed and wear cotton gloves overnight. :thumbsup:

Less-followable advice (but advice that seems a big factor in me never having split a tip, even when I actually went bouldering): Play guitar and bass from your mid-teens onwards.


--- Quote from: cheque on January 26, 2024, 09:17:03 am ---Slather your hands in E45 before bed and wear cotton gloves overnight. :thumbsup:

Less-followable advice (but advice that seems a big factor in me never having split a tip, even when I actually went bouldering): Play guitar and bass from your mid-teens onwards.

--- End quote ---

I played guitar and still do from the age of 10 so 23 years now and it’s made no difference  :lol: I don’t use the pads of my fingers, I use the tips so sadly no calluses built where I need em :p

I’m gonna try the cotton glove beta tonight though, I know a few people who do it and swear by it!

Sand down the split as they heal, essentially bringing the split towards the surface of the skin. This prevents a superficial appearance of healing where it's knitted over the top but not deeper in the tissue. If you don't so this you risk repeatedly splitting in the same place. I had a real problem with this in 2018 on my right index and climbed most of the sport season with a recurrent split.

Edit, you mentioned this, my bad


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