the shizzle > chuffing

Anyone got the gear for Master' s Edge?

(1/8) > >>

Crispin Waddy is at the shotholes as we speak. Unfortunately someone has borrowed the special gear from Outside and he can't get anything in.

If anyone has the required gear can you phone him now?



Just put this underneath and tell him it’s a DWS; he’ll path it.


Tom de Gay:
Not using my white Alien at the moment, think that fits. If he can hang out at the shotholes a bit longer, you could get it ubered it to the crag. £300 from London. Otherwise, I hear knotted ropes are all the rage these days.

Does he also require a headtorch?

Arkle used my Metolius cam which held his fall nicely. Available in return for a month's subscription to Grimer's Patreon OnlyFans.


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