the shizzle > shootin' the shit

Aims for 2024

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--- Quote from: spidermonkey09 on April 03, 2024, 12:47:51 pm ---Stubbs rinses board climb shock!

--- End quote ---

Ha I’m awful on the moonboard! I’ve spent quite a bit of time climbing on it in the last couple of years as I think the style of problems on there has identified some weaknesses that don’t crop up so much on boards with fixed feet. These weaknesses generally revolve around generating body tension and/or momentum with your feet in weird positions, and generating tension in the shoulders on bigger or wider moves.

Duncan Disorderly:
Sheesh - the UKB appreciation thread reminded me that I've not added these yet this year  :chair:

- F7c again in Kalymnos in October
- Make progress projecting F7c+/F8a
- Do something on Peak lime above F7b
- Boulder 6C+ - 7A (planning to go to Font again so probably should pull me finger out)
- Moonboard 7A benchie
- Onsight F7a+ - F7b
- Do some multi-pitch stuff with Gf and EB.

- Surf or Snowboard at least once every month (had to add snowboard as I realised that I strugle to fit both in the same month when the connies are good)...
- Get back into running - do a race

- Take daughter away, try and get her repsyched for climbing
- Spend some more time with teenage son - rebuild relationship. Seems to be taking an interest in climbing and Jungle so trips to the wall and teaching him to mix seem like quick wins
- Go some awesome new places with GF

And it was written (late)...


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