the shizzle > shootin' the shit

Aims for 2024

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James Malloch:
Do some good husbanding and parenting. Our new baby is now 3 weeks old so my wife will be off most of 2024. It is definitely the year to try and strike the right balance to keep us all happy and ensure we’re able to keep our own identities along side the new priorities. A year of low expectations is in order.

Keep check on mental health. I’m pretty good in general, but do lock things away. The whole birth experience was rough as fuck and talking about it has helped loads. Hopefully it will help me open up more about anything else that gets locked away.

Also don’t lose focus on the dog who’s definitely in need of more attention now - we are working with a local gun dog trainer so I’ll aim to keep that up over the year. The dog loves it!

Depending on how contracts go, hopefully finish work for at least a few months to enjoy the last bit of maternity leave together away in the van.

Try to keep up a weekly yoga practice (though the class that I go to just stopped for good which has scuppered my plans a little).

Climb at least once a week. Do some structured board sessions given the reduced time I’m likely to have.

Font trip in the van.

Use baby as added weight. Always wanted to be able to one arm hang with her bodyweight when she was born, but I am so far off. Maybe keep doing some pull ups and dead hangs as she grows…

Some, hopefully, very attainable specific local routes if i manage to keep climbing once a week - more of a focus to get out and enjoy myself with friends

The Jim Grin - 7a

Angel Delight - 7a+

Cold Turkey - 7b

Haslam - 7b+

Lost In Thought and Lost In Time - 7b+

If everything is going well get on a 7c with a friend who wants to do one this year.

Get back up to 30 mins of running. I’d love to do more but my injuries keep requiring me to go back to square one if I have a break - and i think there will be plenty of breaks this year!

Andy F:
Going big this year.

Sport 7b+
Trad E2
Boulder 7A

Hard for me, but with a fair wind, no injuries and a bit of luck, all 3 are achievable. Hopefully.

Good luck everyone 🤞


--- Quote from: James Malloch on December 31, 2023, 02:06:28 pm ---
Keep check on mental health. I’m pretty good in general, but do lock things away. The whole birth experience was rough as fuck and talking about it has helped loads. Hopefully it will help me open up more about anything else that gets locked away.

--- End quote ---

Our first was a tough birth experience. It’s only now with the second that we realised how much of an impact that had on the first few months.

Good luck to everyone!

If hit my C goal in anything I’ll be counting it as green!

A - 7A+
B - New Cuttings 7
C - 7A

Also - try Pastoral and The Slide again.

New Cuttings was the perennial spanking I forgot to mention, I’ve never climbed a 7 there, even when I climbed (one) 7B+.


A - Anything from the to do list
B - Any 7
C - Tie on, indoors or out


A - Not even going to pretend I’ll do a 7!
B - New-to-me route above water
C - Climb above water


A - Run 40 times
B - Run 20 times
C - Run every month

1. January detox. I don’t think that massive excess followed by ‘dextoxing’ is a sensible or healthy way to live your life, yet here we are. Complete Sharkathon (maybe not quite 30 mins a day, unless walking counts) and dry January. Nutrition kick after epiphany.
2. Be present with children. Be a good example. Started the year well with less bad phone habits; let it slide.
3. Aim to support wife with her post pregnancy fitness recovery goals as much as she supports me! Facilitate her self care as much as possible.
4. Train/exercise consistently. Not just for climbing but for health. Return to strength training for its own sake.
5. Socialise with people with kids of the same age.
6. Meet up with climbing friends I haven’t seen due to reduced climbing.
7. Do something tangible towards career progression.
8. Donate blood again if I can. Previously prevented due to low Hb. Increase the iron intake.
9. Consistency, consistency, consistency. Last year I completed a habit tracker 37 weeks of the year. I can maintain lots of good habits easily when I do this. Aim to do better this year.

That’s far more than I intended to write! I’ve made the mistake of too many goals in the past and just not achieving anything. Most importantly, asides from the headline targets, I want to just remember that the really the process is the goal. How you live today is how you live your life!


--- Quote from: monkoffunk on December 31, 2023, 07:32:08 pm ---Come Sharkathon (maybe not quite 30 mins a day, unless walking counts)

--- End quote ---

I’m counting on it


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