places to visit > competitions

Comps for kids

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Scouse D:
Depot youth cup also very good. Held in Sheffield at the end of summer.
Rockover in Swindon have the Southern Youth Bouldering Championships every December. Proper big comp with hard boulders.

nik at work:
Brilliant info, thanks Scouse

What Scouse said.

Rock City in Hull is a really fun wall for kids  with loads of rooms and a huge diversity of holds (it's in the same building at a hold factory/warehouse). The comps there look really good fun.
For one off comps the ones at the Manchester and Sheffield Depots have been some of the best I've been to.
Although the English and Welsh bouldering cups are cancelled in 2024, the Scottish and Irish cups are still running.


--- Quote from: nik at work on December 28, 2023, 11:32:32 am ---I think the CWIF is 14 plus?

--- End quote ---

Yep, CWIF is 14+

Scouse D:
Boulder UK has just announced the junior plywood masters on 13th/14th April which should be boss


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