the shizzle > diet, training and injuries

Sharkathon 2024 🏆

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Feeling bloated and unfit?

Fret not as redemption is just around the corner.

6 days to go then kick start the New Year with Sharkathon  :boxing:

The only rule is 30 mins of any type of exercise for every day of January but feel free to add other aims for the month - going dry, weight loss..

Are you in?!

The only rule of shark club is talk a lot about shark club  :fishing:

I was lying awake last night with nihilistic anxiety, so nothing excites me more than the prospect of a miserable month of self-flagellation and futile demoralisation. I'm in.

James Malloch:
We have a new baby which means the last 3 weeks have involved lots of lounging around, adjusting and getting to know her.

It’s been lovely, and that will continue, but I’ve also just got some new trail shoes and want to get back on the board a little too. So I’ll give it a go again! 💪🏻

I'm in. Shoulder rehab & aerobic base fitness the main priorities.

On the one hand, I can’t do thirty minutes exercise a day (or at all, really) for tedious health reasons.

On the other hand, I’ve a 630 day steak of daily stretching so suspect I might continue through to the end of January…  :)


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