the shizzle > equipment

Grip for wooden climbing holds

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Does anyone know what people are using to apply a texture to wooden climbing holds?
I’ve seen some use grip tape, some use a grip paint and apparently some use a grit / paint compound?

If anyone has any knowledge that would be delightful

Aren't the beastmaker holds without a finish?


--- Quote from: thunderbeest on December 12, 2023, 06:13:41 pm ---Aren't the beastmaker holds without a finish?

--- End quote ---

Plenty of wooden holds have no finish but some people add a texture (good for slopers etc)

SA Chris:
I'd like to know too, got some big home made slopers that are just a bit too smooth.

User deactivated.:
I superglued sandpaper to one face of a volume on my board. Quick and easy.


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