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Instinct LE

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--- Quote from: Moo on November 22, 2023, 07:45:05 pm ---sell for an inflated cost

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Yes agree, it's absolutely disgusting. That extra £0.96 going into their grubby little corporate pockets is all the evidence I need of their sinful greed.

Looks just like the slipper, with the old place up (parrot coloured) toe, in black. Its absence in my quiver probably isn't the reason I fall off things, but you never know.


--- Quote from: Fultonius on November 22, 2023, 09:01:31 pm ---It's just an Instinct Slipper with "marketing fairy dust". No thanks.

--- End quote ---

They look quite different in shape to the new instinct slippers, particularly the toe box, looks to be a close replica of the much beloved old orange ones

Links for comparison

I’m gonna buy two pairs now to annoy all the grumpy farts on here

2013… the Instinct Slipper is Carlisle Slappers favourite board shoe, perfect for all the slippy wood domes and for falling off The Rail. But being a wise man, Dan knew that the shoe’s time was limited. What to do?

He’d always been good at projecting. Time for the best one yet.

Young Aidan Roberts had been looking hot on the comps and was perfectly placed for having an inside man at Scarpa. All that was necessary was to steer him into the path of greatness, and therefore influence. What could be greater than domination of the Lakes rat crimp projects? Dan rubbed his hands gleefully, before knocking out another 100kg 3 finger drag hang. Even McLeod couldn’t pull off something this audacious.

In a Scarpa design team meeting a mere decade later, the new lord of the crimps is on his knees in front of Heinz Mariacher, pressing his Friction Labs stained hands together in prayer.

“Please Heinz. I’ll do anything. I NEED those slippers for my new project, ‘Burden of Awkward Silence’. There has to be a way!”

Heinz relents, raising Aidan’s trembling chin with the fresh edge of an Instinct Lace.

“There will be a shoe, boy. I see… A limited run. Yes, that will work well. But what colour…?”

Aidan swallows, trying not to sound too eager. “How about… all black?”

Heinz furrows his brow, then nods. “Yes… I like it! Black it is. We’ll keep it to a thousand pairs. That’s almost enough to get Ondra through a week-long slab project.”

Aidan nods gratefully and retreats, his heart pounding as he fantasises telling his master about his success. After a mere two weeks of hitchhiking in only electric vehicles, he arrives in the hallowed ground of the Lakes.

He finds his master crouching sombrely amongst the Kentmere boulders, gazing upon the 8mm flakes of Shadowplay. Faint chalk marks are still visible, from when Bosi fondled the holds and declared them useable. Sacrilege. Only the G could use such holds.

His master speaks, without turning.

“Is it done?”

“It’s done. A thousand pairs. All in black.”

Dan smiles, a leer of yellowed teeth rotten from too many flapjacks consumed amongst the cursed rocks  of Christianbury whilst plotting his scheme.

“At last. It returns. I always had faith. The G provides.”

He lets out a long sigh. “My great work is complete. You are no longer my apprentice. Go. Climb trad, as you always wished.”

Dan didn’t turn to watch his ex-apprentice slip away amongst the ferns, though he heard the clank as the boy started to rack hexes on his harness.

Instead he stared once more upon the holds of Shadowplay, so small and sharp that they could cut through reality itself, warping the past, present and future. He spoke into the void, his words rippling between the chalk into somewhere else, somewhere where it was always 5am and power was limitless.

“Have I pleased you, lord?”

The void stayed silent, as always. The G never spoke back. But inside his mind, a vision rippled. A tall leaning prow, perfectly positioned amongst the Lake District fells. Holds dotted the line, which was just about possible to highball, if you were willing to risk everything. Dan gasped at the beauty. He knew he had been rewarded.

“Thank you, my lord!”

The perfect shoe, and the perfect line. The G provided. He always had.


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