the shizzle > bouldering

Best individual boulder in the UK??

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Not sure why this occurred to me the other day, but there we go. Oh actually it was fatneck rightly spooging about the Ruthven Stone in Strathnairn.

So.... best individual boulder / block in the UK?? NOT "best boulder problem" NOR "best bit of wall / crag for bouldering", but a proud, lone, distinct, block. You can choose the criteria (amount of problems? difficulty? aesthetics? rock quality? balance of grades? location? landing?) but please show your reasoning / calculations...

Some thoughts could include: The Pebble @ Stanage, The Trackside Boulder @ Curbar, The Bowderstone @ Borrowdale, Ruthven Stone @ Strathnairn, The Ship Boulder @ Torridon, one of the blocks @ Dumbarton, The Mallory Boulder @ Snowdonia, The Virgin @ Almscliffe, or many many more....

Duncan campbell:
Grand Hotel Boulder at stanage gotta be up there surely?

One of the best looking boulders in the world; Careless Torque 8A

Plus Not To Be Taken Away; classic 6B+ or whatever it gets.

Not loads else but what else do you need!?

Barry at Stoupe Brow is the most impressive freestanding boulder I’ve seen in the UK. Not sure if it has the number of classic climbs on it to be a contender though.

The Calf, The Bowderstone and the Cowperstone all up there IMO.

SA Chris:
Ruthven stone has great probs, and nice aspect, but rock is a little bit coarse. Virgin has to be a desert island boulder, everything from piss easy to utterly nails. Ship - nicest rock, great aspect, but just a bit too small. Boggin' landings too.

Ross Barker:
Ooo, good thread idea. Better than stirring the pot of two members who obviously aren't keen on each other.

Three Pocket Slab Boulder @ The Roaches is a beaut. Classics abound.

There's probably some SW granite monolith that fits the bill, but I don't know the area.

Maybe The Calf @ Ilkley? I've only been once for a brief fiddle, but the big steep face looked amazing for highball frighteners. Probably some similar stuff at Caley but I've never been.


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