the shizzle > get involved: access, environment, BMC

Wyming Brook - Temporary closure for tree felling

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I'm fairly sure it relates to the carpark at the top, which is certainly in need of resurfacing.

The Rivelin parking is I'd agree totally inadequate for the situation, especially given the lack of any alternatives on the main road.

This popped up on my feeds: Not sure what to make of it tbh but at face value it seems worrying. I dont think the hysterical tone helps make their point but it would be a real shame to lose them all, even if it resulted in cleaner boulders!

I would be surprised if that was the whole truth. It seems to come down to whether they think the SPHN that Bonjoy mentions should exist or not, but since it does the council have no option as they are legally obliged to act on it I think.

I've looked into this a bit and spoken to people at Derbyshire Wildlife Trust both on and off the record. Yes, the SPHN means the land owner has a legal obligation to carry out the work within the stated timeframe. I was initially sceptical about clearance as a measure against the spread of a fungal pathogen, given that it's considered pointless for Ash Dieback which is also a fungal pathogen. Having looked into it a bit though it does sound like felling in relation to Phytophthora is beneficial in arresting the spread of this disease based on work carried out elsewhere. 
The campaign against the work doesn't do itself any favours in my view by exaggerating the scale of the work. The figure I heard for the percentage of larch in WB is ~1% of the tree population, so the idea that the valley will be "a bare-sided valley in a post-apocalyptic landscape" comes across as either ignorant or deliberately misleading.

In terms of duration I've heard that the felling itself is likely to be complete by Christmas, but that the extraction of the timber from site will continue for some time after that.


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