the shizzle > bouldering

How do u get better at bouldering

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Any tips?

1. Contract ""REDS"". Nothing climbs as well as hollow cheeks and sparrow legs.

2. Pick the softest touches you can find and hope to get the life-defining big number before remus downgrades it.

(or 2.a. Become a born again Sharma-like hippy and give up grades entirely, fly free from the shackles of mere numbers, and hope everyone assumes your latest testpieces are so difficult they transcend earthly grades too).

3. Broadcast every single monotonous thing you do all the fucking time on insta / tik-tok / youtube, with massive clickbait titles and a high proportion of indoor videos.

4. Ummm I think that covers it??

andy moles:
The real question is, how do u get better @ bouldering without training or any sustained form of self-discipline?

I'm holding out for this one.


--- Quote from: Wellsy on September 23, 2023, 10:15:56 am ---Any tips?

--- End quote ---

Building a board at home has probably been the best thing for my bouldering. Especially with family and job commitments. Can still squeeze in little sessions. Plus it’s fun making up projects and trying to see them off.

Climb with people who are stronger than you. Unfortunately, I've long since out grown my usual climbing partners, which is almost a shame ;)


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