the shizzle > two wheel spiel

Bike mechanics Sheffield

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If you have the time, it's often worth buying the correct tools and learning to do the job yourself. YouTube is your friend. It might not be any cheaper the first time, but you'll still have the tools and skills next time around.

Paul B:

--- Quote from: Liamhutch89 on September 13, 2023, 08:09:53 pm ---YouTube is your friend. It might not be any cheaper the first time, but you'll still have the tools and skills next time around.

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Specifically the Park Tool channel.


--- Quote from: Dolly on September 13, 2023, 07:28:50 pm ---Always Butterworths on Abbeydale Road

--- End quote ---

I was about to say this - he will give priority to cycle commuters if he's busy and you need it for work

The other Butterworths in Hillsborough is worth a go too! Its not run by the family any more but by Mike & Henry (used to be a decent climber back in the day) & theyre very good

I've been using Anthony Croft for 3 years.


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