the shizzle > chuffing

Chimes Alternative - UKC upgrade?

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Can I have a list of the upgraded problems / routes please?

Asking for a friend.

Grooved Arete is up to 8b
Ain't no sponsored here is up to 7c+
Pantomime is up to 7c
50 for 5 is up to 7c

I'm sure there are others

I've not done that link but I've done others that include all of its bits and I'd agree it sounds more 8a than 8a+. I found Fowl-Play (8a) harder above its Green-Alternative start than I did the headwall of Chimes after Chimes short. Chimes headwall has the resting buckets on the ramp that mean it just adds quality rather than red-point difficulty IMO.

As an aside, Green Alternative feels 7c+ not 7c for those of us lacking omph and strong fingers.
It's very basic but that means there's no way to wriggle through via guile and practiced beta.
Perhaps Green Alternative would be graded 7c in terms of how readily flashed it is (by the likes of you!) but not in terms of struggles to red-point it.

Impossible that Chimes Alternative is 8a+!

Haha, good memory! OK, I concede that Green Alternative is markedly harder for the short and perhaps soft 7c+ in that case. I wish more people would at least try Weedkiller the route, nobody tries it ever and its better than GA which was excavated and sika'd out of the rubble.

Is Baby Chimes really only 1 grade harder than GA though?  :-\ ::)

What happens now on UKC with my link up 'Green Fighter' 8a which adds the Right to Roam finish above Chimes Alternative. Will the mysterious upgraders get this up to 8a+ as well?


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