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Ullapool summer family climbing

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--- Quote from: AJM on August 14, 2023, 08:39:00 pm ---Is there any part of the Ardmair crag base that would be a suitable base camp for two moderately tolerant children? They will at times let us climb whilst they play, but it obviously has to be somewhere that’s safe enough for them to do so and not so constricted that they can’t actually do anything.

Edit: also interested in similar knowledge on Gruinard crag (red John of the battles, that wall)

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NB. I don't have kids so no idea what they can/can't do....
Ardmair crag is above a slope, not lethal but it might hurt if you rolled in parts.
Certainly some wider flat bits the further up you go.
Gruinarard crag ok. Midgy and brackeny and ticks though.

SA Chris:
If you want to have a quick session with kids, Ardmair Beach would be great for them. Best skimming stones spot, flat and sunny, hopefully shouldn't be too midgy.

I was thinking roped, but didn't specify ( :sorry: !). Ardmair Beach on the list for bouldering, thanks

The Arapiles Wall area of Ardmair Crag is pretty kiddy friendly (never actually taken my kids there, but could imagine doing it). That's where the main bouldering is, but there are routes too. Seem to recall Biological Warfare on the right was an OK E1. Most of the routes in that section are E3 or up if I recall.

SA Chris:

--- Quote from: AJM on August 14, 2023, 08:39:00 pm ---also interested in similar knowledge on Gruinard crag (red John of the battles, that wall)

--- End quote ---

Ah OK, from a routes crags perspective I've only climbed on Jetty Buttress in that area and that would be fine, short walk and all. There are a few sport crags in that area that might be a good bet too.


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