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Ullapool summer family climbing

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Just along the coast from previously mentioned Achmelvich is Clachtoll. I found a good bouldering spot there last year but only had time to do this one prob. The beach there is very family friendly and there's plenty more to climb at the cave area. Some tidal some not. Good quality torridon sandstone.

SA Chris:

--- Quote from: sherlock on June 15, 2023, 02:12:20 pm ---When were you last over this side Chris?
But I suppose it's what your used to.

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A while! TBF I am going on hearsay, but had a lot of summer weekends trying to access coastal crags and surfing beaches in the S / SW and I think you would be shocked by the sheet volume of cars / numpties not used to driving on single track lanes. At least the Scottish ones have marked overtaking places. Down there it's a free for all / who has a car they care about the least.


--- Quote from: Bonjoy on June 15, 2023, 02:18:48 pm ---Just along the coast from previously mentioned Achmelvich is Clachtoll. I found a good bouldering spot there last year but only had time to do this one prob. The beach there is very family friendly and there's plenty more to climb at the cave area. Some tidal some not. Good quality torridon sandstone.

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Ahh, I wondered who FAd that.  I'd looked at that before but from memory been put off by the lack of obvious finishing place.. any video footage? Will get on it when I'm up this year.  Its an amazing roof but unfortunately blank apart from the lip. 
I added some other problems in the hills around clachtoll (on ukc) and the classic dws boulder problem near split rock, none of which are very child friendly.

AJM totally recommend Ullapool or lochinver as base camp.  It's just the best place in the world for kids and the midges are not an issue if you avoid inland areas when there is no wind.  Treat it as family holiday and enjoy beaches,  mountains,  infinite scrambling and if you get some time for hard climbing/ bouldering it's a bonus.. I'll be at clachtoll for last two weeks in July.  Always happy to meet up for a climb if that's not too early for you

As others have said, midge levels will be heavily dependent on the weather. If there's a good breeze anywhere will be fine, if not it could be hellish. In general rocky coastal areas will be less midgy than inland vegetated areas.

Like Stewart says, if you combine a bit of climbing with a generally outdoorsy holiday you'll have a great time, but at that time of year a dedicated climbing trip could be risky.
Ardmair beach is a classic family venue for us and NW facing so the rock itself is shady for much of the day. And just 10mins from Ullapool.
Ardmair Crag bouldering is v. quick  drying. I've never taken the kids up there but reckon I'd have to carry my 3.5yr old on my shoulders for some of it.
Reiff in the Woods is a great place but in high summer is likely to be a brackeny, midgy hell hole.
You'd need to be careful with the kids at Reiff (scrambly descents to big platforms above the sea) but it could offer some of the best climbing conditions at that time of year and Pinnacle Area in particular would be good for getting the kids on the odd top-rope.

I've only been once but getting a 3.5yr old up to Glutton sport crag would be very miserable for all involved...

And if you go but aren't able to get a lend of Sherlock's pads I ghink Ullapool Outdoors do pad hire.


--- Quote from: Stewart on June 16, 2023, 10:21:58 am ---
--- Quote from: Bonjoy on June 15, 2023, 02:18:48 pm ---Just along the coast from previously mentioned Achmelvich is Clachtoll. I found a good bouldering spot there last year but only had time to do this one prob. The beach there is very family friendly and there's plenty more to climb at the cave area. Some tidal some not. Good quality torridon sandstone.

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Ahh, I wondered who FAd that.  I'd looked at that before but from memory been put off by the lack of obvious finishing place.. any video footage? Will get on it when I'm up this year.  Its an amazing roof but unfortunately blank apart from the lip. 
I added some other problems in the hills around clachtoll (on ukc) and the classic dws boulder problem near split rock, none of which are very child friendly.

AJM totally recommend Ullapool or lochinver as base camp.  It's just the best place in the world for kids and the midges are not an issue if you avoid inland areas when there is no wind.  Treat it as family holiday and enjoy beaches,  mountains,  infinite scrambling and if you get some time for hard climbing/ bouldering it's a bonus.. I'll be at clachtoll for last two weeks in July.  Always happy to meet up for a climb if that's not too early for you

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I finished on a jug in the groove above. You could top it fairly easily but I didn't have a spotter or anyone to move my pad. I do have a vid, I can send you by Whattsapp if you DM me your phone number.
I also almost managed a problem starting to the right to finish at the same place but ran out of time. And tried the awesome arete/lip of the roof to the left, which felt pretty hard but deffo a goer somewhere in the 7c-8a range. The higher more tidal rock to the left will give a bunch of decent 6 and 7 probs.


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