the shizzle > chuffing

Minos at Cheedale

<< < (3/3)

Thanks for the reply :thumbsup:


--- Quote from: Adam Lincoln on May 21, 2023, 06:40:12 pm ---Is this defunct now? Last ascent was Pete Dawson over a year ago, according to ukc anyway.

Seems to have lots of loose rock on start after winter and no chalk. First move seems really really hard now, harder than say Entre.

Does it still get done or does it need some glue?

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Hi I was there today and saw a guy trying it, it looked the same as when I did it back in 2016. I don't think anything has come off the start. 

You have your right hand on a good nobly flatly and sort of matched left hand on a not so good bit, high left foot and fire up to small undercut for LH.

It’s a tough move could be 7A-B range.

I really enjoyed it. Please don’t strip the bolts anyone  :o


--- Quote from: T_B on May 21, 2023, 08:00:57 pm ---Unpopular opinion but there’s an argument for stripping the bolts. The reason they’re so poorly positioned up high was presumably so that they couldn’t be clipped from Nadin’s trad route, Flight of Icarus? Having done that route a couple of years ago I personally feel they detract from it. One is by your right foot after the crux. And the top of FofI takes the top groove feature direct, whereas Minos/Celebration kind of shuffles up to the right. Minos/Celebration is a pretty meh route IMO.

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Has this been rebolted in the very recent past? I was trying Celebration yesterday and thought the top bolts were positioned fine, not hard to clip at all. I thought it was very good, and Flight of Icarus looked good too. Can't see why they can't coexist. There's definitely no need for any rebolting anytime soon, they're perfect new looking glue ins on the top section.


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