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Trans issues 2 - TG Women in Competitive Sport

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--- Quote from: Murph on May 18, 2023, 07:59:25 pm ---Sorry slab I thought I thought i would help out by saying more than one but maybe the WT are full of shit. Heres another lot mKing the claim, probably even more full of shit . While we are here though I also raise you a third trans woman at Tokyo. I dont claim to know how many competed in total, just that the "only one" claim that is regularly made is likely to not be totally accurate.

Of course, not a flood, but certainly it wasnt "none for at least a hundred years" as predicted by York.

The orchiectomy point, like I say, not the expert, happy to accept that balls-on makes no difference so long as hormones controlled. I cant remember where I got the idea and a quick Google didn't help.
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Okay, so we've definitely got Chelsea Wolfe as well.  Though she went as a reserve on the team and didn't actually end up competing.

(And hey, Google tells me she's autistic!  :bounce: Cue me doing the "one of us, one of us" chant. This has absolutely no relevance to the current discussion, just makes me happy.)

I'm not sure why you think it invalidating York's prediction is so significant, though. That's just one opinion from a retired athlete who happens to be trans.

And obviously we both agree that it's not a flood.


--- Quote from: slab_happy on May 19, 2023, 08:03:11 am ---(And hey, Google tells me she's autistic!  :bounce: Cue me doing the "one of us, one of us" chant. This has absolutely no relevance to the current discussion, just makes me happy.)

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That goes back to Barrow"s anecdote on the other thread that his friend in the medical profession found there was invarably underlying mental health conditions with trans perple, leading to the possibility of "Cure the autism, cure the trans leanings". I wonder if leeches, trepanning, or electric shock therapy would be best??  :-\


--- Quote from: slab_happy on May 18, 2023, 06:08:05 pm ---
--- Quote from: Murph on May 18, 2023, 09:52:26 am ---If you lose your balls then your T goes down to zero. You cant function to any extent in any athletic pursuit and then have to take exogenous T to make up for it.
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Nope, as far as I'm aware trans women who've had orchiectomies don't have to take exogenous T in order to "function to any extent to any athletic pursuit."

I'm not sure where you got that idea from? If you've got a source for it, let me know.

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Men competing in the men's category who have unusually low testosterone because of a DSD or other medical condition are allowed to take exogenous testosterone under a therapeutic use exemption, e.g. this Olympic swimmer:

So I'm wondering if that could possibly what you're thinking of? But that's because it's considered necessary treatment for a medical condition, not because you need testosterone to "function to any extent to any athletic pursuit".

(Also, doesn't apply to women.)

There are female athletes who have CAIS, whose bodies are incapable of responding in any way to androgens (and who thus don't even get the physical effects from androgens that non-DSD cis women experience -- famously, women with CAIS tend to have great skin because they don't get androgens causing acne!).


--- Quote from: Murph on May 18, 2023, 07:59:25 pm ---Sorry slab I thought I thought i would help out by saying more than one but maybe the WT are full of shit. Heres another lot mKing the claim, probably even more full of shit .

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Oh, I registered that the claim got repeated a fair bit, especially in anti-trans circles (if a site insists on referring to trans women as "trans-identified males", that's a very loud dogwhistle -- they use it to avoid ever saying "trans women", and also because they can abbreviate it to "TIM" and they think it's hilariously witty to have an acronym that's a man's name to apply to trans women).

But it still doesn't seem to have a source other than, as I said, obsessive transphobe Graham Linehan finding an old unverified Twitter account which might be Barrett's.

Worth being aware that there's a whole thing where some people get very into "transvestigating" and trying to prove that famous or semi-famous or mildly notable people are "secretly trans". It seems like a hobby for some of them.

Recently some of them came up with a conspiracy theory that Daniel Radcliffe was only expressing support for trans rights because his girlfriend is "secretly trans", which they concluded because she's tall and looks insufficiently feminine for them. She is now pregnant:

So, yeah, Barrett might or might not be trans, but I feel it's probably best to avoid that whole rabbit hole and stick to discussion of the athletes like Hubbard and Wolfe who we know are actually definitely trans.


--- Quote from: Fiend on May 19, 2023, 08:11:47 am ---
--- Quote from: slab_happy on May 19, 2023, 08:03:11 am ---(And hey, Google tells me she's autistic!  :bounce: Cue me doing the "one of us, one of us" chant. This has absolutely no relevance to the current discussion, just makes me happy.)

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That goes back to Barrow"s anecdote on the other thread that his friend in the medical profession found there was invarably underlying mental health conditions with trans perple, leading to the possibility of "Cure the autism, cure the trans leanings". I wonder if leeches, trepanning, or electric shock therapy would be best??  :-\

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Miriam Cates would support exorcism, I suspect ...

(Okay, we only know that her church did exorcisms to try to cure gay people of being gay, but I think we can make a guess.)

Actually, historically, one whole school of conversion therapy aimed at stopping "effeminate" male children from growing up to be gay or trans was deeply intertwined with a lot of the same psychologists trying the same tactics to "cure" autistic children. In both cases, the strategy being basically "punish them until they stop acting weird".

I might dig up some links later, but it's incredibly depressing and involves at least one suicide and thus feels like a bit of a downer in a reply to a joke.


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