Aims for 2023 (Read 31665 times)


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#100 Re: Aims for 2023
June 30, 2023, 12:13:38 pm
Can't find any goals from me so will add what I was working towards anyway:

3 8As or above
- done 1, have done 1 in very overlapping halves with 10s rest between falling off and pulling on again, but I feel the summer temps might have ended trying that one. Have another that if I can build a bit more fitness on it might go.

30 7Cs or above
- currently at 15

Should be off to Font Sept to early Dec, which may make my first goal tough to achieve as I don't want to spend that time projecting, just more enjoying quality session grade boulders. Would be nice to get one more done before I leave and potentially return to the one that's close in December.

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#101 Re: Aims for 2023
June 30, 2023, 12:38:49 pm
Kenzoku. A hard problem that challenges and inpires me, simple as that.
Got this one done by the end of January on the 7th session of trying it. The whole process was very enjoyable experiencing linear progress from one session to another unlocking the moves, then climbing the boulder on the 2nd session of proper goes from the bottom. It probably has the most interesting moves I've done and it's a rare quality line for limestone in a lovely spot. 

Climb a moderately hard 3 star problem in Wales or The Lakes (cosmic wheels, starshot sit, ???).
Aside from Kenzoku, I haven't climbed outside of Yorkshire this year, but I've done a lot of good lines that in my opinion are even better than cosmic wheels or starshot. At this stage, I'd be pretty satisfied spending the rest of the year climbing in Yorkshire, but a trip to the Lakes would be nice too.

At least 10 sessions on rock with other people. My good mates from Leeds have all emigrated to Australia or the USA over the last few years. Since I work at home and usually climb alone, I rarely interact with other humans outside of my household. Hopefully, achieving this goal will help keep me sane.
Easily. In a complete 180, I've seldom climbed on my own this year.

Something on a rope that takes a few sessions. I have no intention to train endurance, so it will need to be fairly bouldery. Agent Provocateur at WCJ looks good.
Kind of, but not sport. I've practiced several things on a rope that I've gone on to highball/solo. Soon hoping to lead a few things on a rope.

5% increase on my max hangs PB.
No idea, but my fingers feel stronger subjectively, so i'm ticking this.

I already have a couple of family holidays booked but I'd like to aim for one trip with mates, whether that's for climbing, surfing or bikes, it doesn't matter.
No climbing, surfing or biking trips booked yet. There's talk of a DWS trip.

Get CEng
Qualifications accepted by the Engineering Council, I just need to stop being a lazy fuck and write my report.


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#102 Re: Aims for 2023
June 30, 2023, 01:27:17 pm
Happy with progress so far:

Abroad: couple of trips this year, one just finished.
Climb well, have fun, onsights and quick ticks.

UK places: I've got more weekends free this year so want to make the most of it. Also had weekends in the Lakes and Yorkshire so reckon this is going well enough to be orange
North Wales at least once - been ages
Peak at least twice - once so far
Portland twice - fortnight ago had a couple of days at the cuttings, and this Easter weekend has been excellent fun on the (far superior) West coast.
Ansteys - best sport on the south coast, I don't go nearly often enough.
Trewortha Tor: went once and it rained, but this genuinely looked better than Dartmoor, need to go back in the dry
Uphill Quarry - nothing exciting, but I've never been, which is ridiculous as a Bristol based climber.
Torbryan - as above, never been.
Spacehunter at least twice - best wall in Cheddar and I still haven't ticked anything on it.
Sunset Buttress - see above...

Bristol Weed - had a really good initial session on this last September and then injured my elbow. Three sessions this spring, think the sequence is pretty much settled, and very close to in two halves now
Return of the Gunfighter - just amazing quality, need to get back up there
Just Revenge - the most realistic of my Ansteys wishlist
Tennessee - YYFY! Good session yesterday in decent conditions (relatively), got past the pocket but couldn't get heel up for the top crux. Today was much worse connies but psyche prevailed and both me and Remus got it done. Got to be one of the best at the grade in the country, despite the faff with tides and Smeg.
Ultimate Warrior - have had a pic of this on background rotation for aaaages.

Number chasing:
7c first go - did this in Chulilla a couple of weeks ago, see YYFY thread
3 8's - got to keep up standards
7C again - it's been a while (2019??)
Finish the Cheddar 7a's - 11 to go. 4 to go


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#103 Re: Aims for 2023
June 30, 2023, 02:17:02 pm
Sort out the garden: Dog-proof it with new fences, dig up the drive and replace with lawn, plant a couple of trees, cut the hedge back to manageable proportions.
One new fence, part of driveway removed, a bit of landscaping. Need some budget to sort the other parts, but making progress.

Get a dog.
Not yet

Actually use my fingerboard.
I was pretty consistent for once over the winter, tailed off a bit now.

Sport climbing: Silk Purse at Dunkeld is my obvious target. I'd also like to do one of the 7cs at Tunnel Walls and have a play on Axiom.
Have had a couple of sessions on Silk Teddies, all the moves done but need some mileage to get back to fitness.

Trad: Get a couple of weekends doing big, hardish mountain routes in the E2-5 range. Have a bash at Lady Charlotte and Rat Race at Dunkeld. A trip elsewhere would be good too.
My head's not been in it for trad this year. I've done some good easier mountain routes, but not felt like pushing it at all. Not helped by mate decking on Rat Race (but miraculously getting away with it)

Winter: Bag 3 classic winter routes this season, ideally at new-to-me venues, but I'm not fussy.
Didn't get a single one last winter due to being too busy retraining.

Other: I've been working on plans for a link-up project that I'd like to film if possible. The idea would be to cycle from home (Bridge of Allan) and have a big day in the mountains, inspired by Colin Kirkus's exploits. From here that would mean either cycling to Glen Coe, or more likely doing a link-up of winter routes near Tyndrum, with the whole thing taking probably 3 days. Even better if I can repeat with a summer rock version.
Building up to a big link, I've had some good, big days in the hills cycling and riunning, and soloing some easy routes. Beinn a' Bhuird was great.

Hopefully, attain fulfilling employment. My bar for this is pretty low after a series of really shitty employers! Simply feeling valued and having prospects for future progress both professionally and in terms of skills would be good. Course to hopefully accelerate this starts in January.
The course was great. I really enjoyed it and learned loads. It definitely got me over the initial hurdle to a point where I can learn new things more confidently on my own. I've made some full-stack projects and have a few other personal projects for my portfolio. Unfortunately the recruitment side of the training company are useless, and trying to farm us out to roles we aren't trained for, but the excellent training was free, so can't complain. I'm in the process of applying to other places now. In the meantime I'm doing some work for the SMC and online maths tuition, which I'm enjoying.

A mixed year so far. I've lost my mojo with climbing a little. I'm enjoying days in the hills, and enjoying the climbing I'm doing, but I'm not very motivated and definitely not motivated to try hard at the moment, plus more anxious than normal on routes. I think it's a combination of low residual stress of other factors, like job uncertainty and a niggling shoulder injury, but life is pretty good and hopefully I'll find my mojo as the summer progresses.


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#104 Re: Aims for 2023
June 30, 2023, 02:39:21 pm
First year with a young child so keeping it simple

Fingerboard > 100 times
Climb indoors > 50 times
Climb outdoors > 10 times

Fingerboard 14/100 - not on track with this!
Climb indoors 24/50 - on track
Climb outdoors 5/10 - on track

Still struggling with energy/motivation to fingerboard - but getting back into roped climbing indoors has done wonders for my motivation. I've also managed to tick a route off the life list with a headpoint of A38 at Blaise Castle Gorge. Will be doing 4 day weeks at work from September onwards so hoping I can make a bit more progress on that list.

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#105 Re: Aims for 2023
June 30, 2023, 02:41:10 pm
Having always been an opportunistic all-rounder with an allergy to structured training, I'm going to try setting a few more specific goals this year. Not with the aim of setting loads of new PBs, but just to see what it's like and whether having more focus keeps me more consistently motivated.

Climbing specific
Finish local E8 proj
Succeeded in April, 3rd ascent of The Rising Son. Enjoyed this more than any route project I've done, and won't be disappointed if it's the highpoint of my headpointing career - suited me perfectly, both in style of climbing and in being so close to my house.

At least one boulder problem =>7C
Got to the arete on Jerry's Roof on second or third session, but tweaked a finger in the process (god knows how, I'd warmed up and it's not fingery). Otherwise I think I'd quite likely have done it by now, so I'm optimistic for the autumn.

5 sport routes in the 7c-8a range
If I can count Rising Son I might still have a slim chance, but this is looking very unlikely. Not getting away for a trip in January as planned didn't help, and the sore finger doesn't help either. I also just can't bring myself to focus on sport projects in North Wales in summer (neither slate nor the coastal limestone suit or inspire me), or to have projects that aren't close to home (unless I'm on a committed sport trip, which I tend to do only in the winter). I've defaulted to doing the sort of thing I'm naturally drawn to instead and I've been enjoying it, which I guess is ultimately better than ticking a set goal anyway.

Maintain some condition through the winter season (i.e. wall or board twice a week, assuming opportunities to climb outside don't happen)
Very pleased to have kept this up, by setting a fairly low but realistic target to fit around tiring work.

Sailing trip to Norway (subsidiary aim to climb one or two new routes)
Wap-waa. After a rewarding but challenging test week in the Small Isles, I/we essentially chickened out of crossing the North Sea and spending three weeks on a small boat. Psyched for more island-hopping boat adventures in future though.

Non-climbing specific
Stretch upper body every time I go climbing
Have lapsed a little at times but not doing too badly

Stretch lower body every day (will not count this a fail if it's not literally every day, but aim to get close)
As above, need to get back to standards of the first three months when I was doing really well
« Last Edit: June 30, 2023, 02:49:29 pm by andy moles »


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#106 Re: Aims for 2023
June 30, 2023, 03:31:08 pm
I've also managed to tick a route off the life list with a headpoint of A38 at Blaise Castle Gorge

Jealous! Nice work, that's on my list too.


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#107 Re: Aims for 2023
June 30, 2023, 03:53:33 pm
For the first time, maybe I have not been ambitious enough. I credit all of this to my woodie, all hail the board  :bow:

Copy Paste Go


- 5 V9s
Done 2 but finding good form so confident of this
- V10
YYFY - board paying off  :strongbench:
- Go on at least three trips
Moe's, the South, Roy, Squamish - killing it
- Get down to 10% BW assistance hangs on one-arm BM2k slot
Yes on LH, hit -15lb HC at 177lb BW, RH not. BW hangs one arm OH however
- Get weight down to 80kg
Yes, period of more careful eating, heavier training and peloton got me from 86kg -> 80kg Jan to Jun


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#108 Re: Aims for 2023
June 30, 2023, 06:08:20 pm
Just realised I never posted mine.

My theme for this year is longevity.
- finger health over everything. I've got finger woes that have been developing over the past few years and I would rather not make them any worse. So prioritise mobility and health over everything else (saw a physio, got a plan)
- work towards being able to do a pain free one arm pull up/deep lock off  (recently completed a weight pull up training block with no real issues, so going well)
- work towards being able to do a pain free handstand. Currently hurts my wrists just to do regular push ups... (followed a mobility plan, think it made them worse :-\)

- 5 off the never ending “why have you not done these yet?” list (0)
- 5 climbing trips (weekends away, holidays) (lakes, magic wood, one day at Mitake)
- 5 training room PBs (weighted pull ups up by 5kg, front 3 one arm BM2K middle rung for 5 sec RH, 4 sec LH, having managed 0 seconds previously)
- 5 new UK crags (6)
- 5 FA’s (including shitty link ups) (4)
- 5 percent increase on my powerlifts (squat, bench, and deadlifts)
- 5 things related to mobility to fit into this stupid list format (WIP)


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#109 Re: Aims for 2023
June 30, 2023, 06:13:29 pm
For the first time, maybe I have not been ambitious enough. I credit all of this to my woodie, all hail the board  :bow:

:bow:  :bow:  :bow:


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#110 Re: Aims for 2023
June 30, 2023, 07:19:30 pm
I've also managed to tick a route off the life list with a headpoint of A38 at Blaise Castle Gorge

Jealous! Nice work, that's on my list too.

Thanks, it’s well worth a flash or on-sight go as the gear is very good and obvious.


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#111 Re: Aims for 2023
June 30, 2023, 10:27:48 pm
- Limit projecting to 2 or 3 c. 4 week periods in the year - not really one I can tick off but so far so good have generally kept to 2 sessions or less on everything, think I've only had more than that on 4 problems. Even Ben's Groove Sit only took 2 sessions this season! It's got me thinking about challenge levels versus experience, and I think as nice as it is when you do things in a session or quickly what I'm really looking for are things that take 3 sessions, maybe 4. And really no longer than that without going away, training and coming back later.
- Outside of those periods no more than 2 sessions on anything - as above
- Long trips to Ireland and Switzerland - a month in Ireland and a month in Austria, plus a week in Magic Wood coming up soon. It's been great, albeit also tough at times.
- Climb indoors more whilst training, not just on the boards - have so far had more general indoor sessions than the whole of the previous 3 years combined
- Warm up on my home board before going out, particularly for projecting - haven't always done this but a few times it's been really helpful
- 100 sessions on rock - currently on 59, so very much on track albeit outdoor psych seems to have evaporated a bit after coming back from Austria
- When trying crux moves / sequences, when you stick it climb all the way to the top. Do this at least once a session. - have done this quite a bit albeit I normally seem to then fall off higher up!
- If you try a move and nearly stick it but fall off, either pull straight back on (if possible) and try to do the next move, or visualise sticking the move and continuing climbing. - have done this a lot, although as above always seem to then fall off again!
- Climb with other people more regularly - this was going really well until I spent my two months away climbing almost exclusively by myself. In fact the one time I arranged to climb with other people they turned up over an hour late, cutting short the time I had that day to actually climb before I had to be home.

Grade Chasing
- >50 7B and up - 39 done so far! Purpose with this was far less about the number actually achieved and more to focus my time. Seems to be working. Perhaps worth changing it to "don't spend time on anything less than 7B"
- >15 7C and up - 16!
- 8A - 3! I think....easy to pick holes in these things. 1 is 8A everywhere you look, and has dozens of repeats including loads of absolute mega wads so seems completely solid, but I did it in a session and because of that I didn't get the experience I think I'm really looking for (see above), so I'm maybe not as bothered as might previously have thought I'd be about doing 8A in a session. Weird. 1 gets a slash grade in the guide so is at least soft (but took me 3 sessions and felt probably more satisfying than the 1 I did in a session). And the other is Ben's Groove Sit which was infinitely harder for me than either of the others, or indeed any of the other 15 "8s" I've supposedly done, so....
- 100 Vpoints in a day at Almscliff or Caley - had one session at Almscliff which I thought of as prep, then got distracted by other things

- Move house - our house has been on the market for 2 months and we've had 1 viewing...
- Keep exploring potential to move abroad for an extended period - things have tightened up at work which doesn't help this at all. Also going away and coming back has made me realise what I would most like is if my office could kindly just move to somewhere mountainous. Doesn't seem likely.
- Eat lots of vegetables - done well with this

- Stick to plan / don't get distracted by going outside - this went perfectly until April's training block was disrupted by extended lovely grit conditions and getting close on a project. I didn't mind at all though.
- Do my ex-projects warm up circuit; x4 problems which I've done before but took me ages. One go on each at the start of a session. Current PB is doing 2 of them and dropping last or penultimate moves on the other 2. - managed 3 and dropping the penultimate move of the 4th. Haven't climbed on my board yet post long trip so will be interesting to see where I am with it now!

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#112 Re: Aims for 2023
June 30, 2023, 10:34:49 pm
I don't think I've done annual goals before, so here goes, I guess.

- Sort out the current dodgy A2 and then stay uninjured. I'll do that by exercising self discipline to drop the intensity when the volume increases, rather than just recklessly going all out all the time.

The old left ring A2 is back to strength which I'm chuffed with, but annoyingly a couple weeks ago my left index A2 decided it wanted to be injured. Not sure on the cause, but I feel like I was being sensible so shall award myself green for the rest of it. Maybe just to make me feel better!

- Do more DWS. Did it for the first time last year and had great time despite being rather shit at doing more than 5 moves!
Yup, had a day at Nant Gwrtheyrn a couple weeks ago. Too wimpy to get on the >10m stuff but had a really fun time and still ended up in the drink a few times.

- Do some training for DWS, or at least something a bit transferable like sport or long boulder linkups. Not because I want to send hard, but because being able to better manage the pump would probably get me more value out of it.
Been doing some linkups at the dugout. Perhaps not as transferable as I thought, I think a more beneficial ability would be recovering on the wall, which the dugout is generally too steep for, or the rests are hands-off and don't really train much!

- Consider day trip-able DWS options around North Wales (driving from Shropshire):
* Nant Gwrtheyrn and maybe more Lleyn potential
*Various Orme bits
*Penmon and maybe more Anglesey potential

As before, had a good day out at Gwrtheyrn, not been to the others but still early in the season!

- Rigpa, but subject to pad logistics and finger health.
Had one really good session a couple months ago, when the old A2 was getting really good and the weather was cold, but shall have to wait for the new A2 to heal, and for more cold weather to come.

- Visit some of the "grand full day out" list:
*St Bees
*Sampson's Stones
*Cwm y Foel
*Rhinogau in general
*Howshaw/Back Tor
*Simon's/Lord's Seat
*Great Wolfrey

On paper this doesn't look great, but I have been having grand days out at other venues, like the Infinity Boulder and Simonside woods, so maybe I've earned a little orange here?

- Do some exploratory/development days.
Tick. Bryn Castell and Craig y Wrysgan immediately spring to mind, though didn't bear much fruit as the projects are hard! Good exploration at other backwater venues as well.

- Visit some of the "why haven't I been here yet" list:
*Pac-Man Boulders
*Cwm Glas Bach
*Carreg y Foel Gron
*Llyn Celyn
*Wolf Edge
*Secret Garden

- Revisit some of the "got all or most of the moves done so could be a goer" problems:
*The Mentalist
*Lizard King
*Harvey Oswald SDS
*Cosmic Wheels
*Severus Snape
*Brass Monkeys
*Bad Moon Rising
*The Captain
*Old King Cascade
*Cholesterol Traverse
*Beef Growler

Ticked off Severus (in tremendous style, I must modestly admit), and tickled Harvey SDS a bit. I think I've sussed a sequence but I haven't been there fresh or uninjured enough to seriously consider it revisited.
I don't think I'm doing too bad, most sections have some sort of green or orange to show.

Interestingly I didn't mention any sort of international climbing goals, but I enjoyed a week in Font in March with good friends old and new, and also a spontaneous long weekend in Magic Wood, catching a lift from a French friend with a spare seat! No magical soft 7Cs, but had a great time regardless.

Hoping to keep enough annual leave free to book a long weekend in Font in autumn, if there's a good weather window.


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#113 Re: Aims for 2023
July 01, 2023, 12:08:52 am
Half way point
20+ days outside climbing
Have great family trip to El Chorro

Onsight 6c

Onsight 6b+ x3

Redpoint 7a in a day
Not yet.

Depot Goals

Complete 80% of a purple circuit

Complete 2  of a yellow circuit no

Climb 5 yellows
Not yet.

Flash 10 purples


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#114 Re: Aims for 2023
July 01, 2023, 08:57:33 am

I realise that my goals are incompatible.

Unsurprisingly, I got some form of elbow tendinopathy from trying to combine my goals. Did not achieve any of them either.


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#115 Re: Aims for 2023
July 01, 2023, 11:19:12 am
My goals were to climb on new rock types, avoid injury, enjoy bouldering and maybe do 7B

I'm confident I can do 7B, but not done one yet. Have done them on the board though which is cool. I have had a few injuries, which is frustrating, but rehab is going well. I've climbed on three new rock types and had the absolute time of my life in Font, and I've come to love bouldering as something I do and not a record of names and numbers. Excited for the future :)


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#116 Re: Aims for 2023
July 01, 2023, 11:33:19 am
I can't remember mine and don't really want to look, so have rewritten them to tick plenty off:

Avoid tackling any inspiring trad climbing - / green tick

Have the worst strength / fitness / confidence for 16 years - / green tick

Aim to be on track for an even worse climbing year than 2023 - / green tick

Swap golfer's elbow for shoulder impingement and torn lumbrical - / green tick

Be six months more demoralised by age and weight than at the start of the year - / green tick

Have the longest time without any romance / intimacy for 20 years - / green tick

Maintain a relative paucity regular close knit climbing partners - / green tick

Have no idea what I'm doing with my climbing nor myself - / green tick

Seems to all be on track.

Plan for the rest of the year:

Bury head in sand, pretend it's all okay, and hope something happens out of thin air.


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#117 Re: Aims for 2023
July 01, 2023, 11:40:17 am
Aw Fiend mate :(


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#118 Re: Aims for 2023
July 01, 2023, 12:42:45 pm

Be more of a moany cunt about it all - / green tick


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#119 Re: Aims for 2023
July 01, 2023, 05:51:43 pm
I'm sure this won't help but I felt the same last year about all of the points your made above fiend other than the romance one as luckily I have a lovely wife to lean on

Basically I have just given up climbing since November, partially due to injury but more so as it made me a moany c**t 
As you so eloquently put it

Not looked back since, happier now for sure

I will go back to it I reckon but the break is really doing me good as I've been mostly just climbing for 20 years without much pause to even question why I was doing it


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#120 Re: Aims for 2023
July 02, 2023, 01:01:24 pm
Not usually a fan of definitive goal-setting but my climbing in 2022 was made a lot more productive by focusing on two specific goals so I thought I'd make more of an effort.

Boulder 8B by 30 (Have until 30th July to complete)
Climbed Isla de Encanta in mid-January. Would like to try to make it 3 8Bs by the end of the year

30 8th grade boulders at 30 (starting 30th July) - Not usually a fan of volume related goals but this sounded like a fun idea
4 weeks until I start trying to climb 8s like a mad man, not sure if I'll enjoy trying to do this but I like the idea of it and should help me put the effort in to get outside loads

UK Trip - Cornwall again? North Wales? Scotland possibly? Who knows
Cornwall planned for September, pretty psyched to get stuck into some more stuff on the coast

Abroad trip - Most likely Swiss, if not then probably Albarracin or Font
Doesn't look like this is going to happen but I'm not too fussed as I'm able to put money into making my van a bit more habitable than just sleeping on pads

Find a new boulder that will force me to push my level - I've done this twice previously and really enjoy the process. Not necessarily bothered about doing the boulder in 2023 but would like to have an idea of what it might be.
I think I have a few ideas but nothing has really grabbed my attention just yet. I'm also super interested in improving my mindset at the moment which seems to have been a bit up and down lately. I am itching to start putting some time into something hard again though.

Learn to climb more in the Summer - I'm generally awful at this and tend to just train through the heat but 2022 proved that I might be able to function in the heat if I'm clever about it.
So far pretty successful, have been focussing more on session-level volume lately but was really happy to climb Bara Brith Low on a really hot day a few weeks back among other recent boulders in some shady caves


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#121 Re: Aims for 2023
July 15, 2023, 03:40:46 pm
Get better from long covid, ie be able to function like a regular human being. This looks like being able to work, walk around, do some sort of exercise at any level. If I can get that done consistently then obviously I’ll be doing some sort of climbing, I will be happy with anything at the moment even just going to the wall.

If I make it to this point any time over the next year then I can think seriously about more tailored goals, let’s see where I’m at in six months.

Get better from long covid - I am definitely getting better and am much better than I was at the start of the year. No longer in regular pain, get decent refreshing sleep, can do more activities during the day.

Be able to function like a regular human being - Nope, a fair way off this.

Work - No way, can't manage to concentrate for a full day or half a day. But I have started doing odd bits of work prep.

Walk around - Kind of. Have made it into central London on several occasions recently but needed a rest day afterwards. Slowly increasing my walking but nowhere near a normal person yet.

Do some sort of exercise - Have done over 470 days of continuous stretching, feel vaguely flexible (my sessions are very short so fewer gains than you'd expect). Most other sorts of exercise have not occured, this has almost certainly helped my recovery a huge amount. I think about doing more a lot but I don't yet feel a spark of energy.

Overall I'm slowly improving but I don't think too much about the future as it is too uncertain. Hope to make some serious inroads into the goals above over the next six months.


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#122 Re: Aims for 2023
July 15, 2023, 10:46:49 pm
Glad for the progress you have made Sean,, fingers crossed you can keep improving.


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#123 Re: Aims for 2023
July 15, 2023, 11:31:00 pm
Get better from long covid, ie be able to function like a regular human being. This looks like being able to work, walk around, do some sort of exercise at any level. If I can get that done consistently then obviously I’ll be doing some sort of climbing, I will be happy with anything at the moment even just going to the wall.

If I make it to this point any time over the next year then I can think seriously about more tailored goals, let’s see where I’m at in six months.

Get better from long covid - I am definitely getting better and am much better than I was at the start of the year. No longer in regular pain, get decent refreshing sleep, can do more activities during the day.

This must be really difficult, but encouraging when you can see progress beginning to build. Hope this continues in the right direction for you.


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#124 Re: Aims for 2023
July 16, 2023, 07:48:17 am
Get better from long covid, ie be able to function like a regular human being. This looks like being able to work, walk around, do some sort of exercise at any level. If I can get that done consistently then obviously I’ll be doing some sort of climbing, I will be happy with anything at the moment even just going to the wall.

If I make it to this point any time over the next year then I can think seriously about more tailored goals, let’s see where I’m at in six months.

Get better from long covid - I am definitely getting better and am much better than I was at the start of the year. No longer in regular pain, get decent refreshing sleep, can do more activities during the day.

That's huge, serious kudos on that!

It's so hard to hang in there with long-term illness and work out how to pace yourself so that you don't overdo it and set things back. Respect for your patience and discipline, and fingers crossed for continued progress!


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