Another vote for boulderbot being super useful. I'd actually say it's a fair bit better than 1/10 but the key is to increase 'length' slightly alongside difficulty - what this effectively means is that it gives itself permission to add in 1-2 extra holds which generally make the movement a bit more realistic.
Cheers for the Boulder Bot recommendations. Had a go on a problem set with it yesterday and enjoyed it a lot; used a few holds I've previously neglected and came up with some movement I wouldn't have set myself. Really good. I like that it's not perfect at coming up with things; the creative element of setting your own problems is very important, but it's nice to have some help in thinking outside your normal style. Only major gripe with it is that for some reason it rarely seems to put finishing holds at the top of the board
What I like about it is that it doesn't consider if a move or hold position is awkward, just the subjective rating of how good the hold is. This often results in me taking holds at angles that I wouldn't normally choose to use them which is a lot closer to how rock is.