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App for your woodie

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A while back there was some discussion on this thread (I think) about apps to record problems on your own board. At the  time i was still an advocate of the trusty notebook but starting to think an app might be handy. Any recommendations from folk that use them?

Ted and Chris use retro-flash, which seems to work fine

I use Retroflash at the moment which works well. I tried Open Climb but didn't get on with it as you have to select a photo each time you enter a problem which was getting frustrating. I've considered using Stokt as the local wall uses it for their board (and so someone visiting my board is more likely to already have the app) and it seems pretty good, but for a home user they'll add your board for free initally but it looks like you'd then have to pay for any resets. I've still got some holds to add so haven't tried adding my board to the app.

I also use the Retro Flash app. Overall it works really well. A couple minor bugs/frustrations but considering it is free for your home board I can't complain at all. I much prefer it over the notebook I kept before. It is much easier record and find problems again, since it is all visual, rather than decoding my previous letter and number grid system. The adding holds feature works well as you just take a new photo and carry on.

Yep +1 for Retro Flash. No way I'd want to use Stokt as I move holds around so frequently, if they charge for each reset it'd quickly get very expensive! Whereas Retro Flash you just add a new pic and crack on.


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