the shizzle > bouldering

Crispy Conditions are coming...


...despite being off sick with minging flu, had to get out to Burbage yesterday, and can report the grit conditions are on there way - crisp, cold, with a nice breeze, and everything felt a grade easier.

Think I overdid it though and on the way back to the car couldn't stop staggering like I'd been on the buckfast - today I'll be lying low and producing snot.

Wahey :P .  I went out to Cratcliffe yesterday and the grit felt good.  Got further on T crack than I have done before.  Hopefully I should get it soon.  I will be at Curbar alot over the winter trying desperatly on Work Hard  :roll: .


fuck me - Work Hard - good luck! Do many people actually do it?

yeah, it was nice yesterday and I'd be out today if I felt less shite. I'm just a snotbag today, with puffy eyes and raw nostrils. I love colds.

Hi Mike
I know of a couple more other than the people that have publicised their ascents.  I recon I need to work on my rockover strength as it looks like it will be huge.  I will speak to Tony about it.  He did it about a year ago so should be able to give me the beta.  
Get well soon


P.S. Have you talked to Simon about the meet up?


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