the shizzle > board construction FAQs

How to build a woodie

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I built my freestanding woodie in about 2 days.  

Basically I made 2 right angle triangles and joined them with several wooden rungs.  It felt a little bit wobbly untill I bolted the plywood onto it.  It was pretty cheap wood wise, but I spent an absolute fortune on bolts.

I learnt a lot doing this, and would do things a lot different if I rebuilt one.

Firstly, don't use a wooden frame.  Scaffolding is actually pretty cheap and I reckon by the time you have bought a load of bolts the prices would be comparable.  You would have a strong frame that would be easy to restyle or connect other bits on to.

Secondly - if your woodie is going to be made of wood, most important is use hard wood, as soft would expands and contracts meaning a constant tightening of nuts is required.

And if your going to use electrical planers and sanders inside be carefull of the carpet and make sure you own a Dyson  :) .

so i'm looking at building a freestanding woodie in my back garden. had thought about hanging it of a large tree (somehow). any suggestions, tips, sage wisdom before i waste my time and money?

I've got one in my garden. Built a frame (two sturdy wooden posts sunk into the ground, connected by another horizontal joist). Reinforced the frame by sinking another post in front of each of the vertical ones, and bolting them together. Attached the wall by chains, so the angle is adjustable, and anchored the frame to attachments in some paving with nylon rope, just in case.

Reckon if you want to use a tree, it'll be difficult to keep it stable, unless you actually screw it into the tree, which can't be a good thing. Though I guess it also depends on the size of the wall and the tree.

does it not get wet and become unusable for six months a year?

and here is an alternative method of board fixing :


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