Went off to a physio a month or so back to try to sort out the chronically inflamed PIP joint which has been plaguing me for over a year now. Turns out it is probably arthritis by this point, and is unlikely to ever heal, which shits all over any climbing goals I have for the future. He jabbed it with some corticosteroids which brought the inflammation and pain down a decent amount. I was quietly hoping would allow things to begin to heal, but it seems like it's all coming back again.Anyone have any experience of PIP joint inflammation on this timescale? Is there any hope? My well of optimism has kind of dried up
Alex, did you always have pain with the swelling? I've had swollen knuckles around the pip joint on my index and middle fingers on both hands for ages, but not pain. Not sure if it's something I should be concerned with or not. I say swelling but it's actually very hard, giving the impression of bone growth around the joint.