the shizzle > get involved: access, environment, BMC

cragx Dale

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--- Quote from: spidermonkey09 on August 01, 2022, 01:32:51 pm ---First link doesn't seem to work?

--- End quote ---

Trying swapping cragx for c r e s s b r o o o k (removing the spaces). The forum software auto replaces the text.

Thanks Remus!

Can someone who knows a bit more flesh this out? From my reading, it looks like a group of slightly mad eco hippies who want to build an eco community; so far so good. But in doing so they're undertaking illegal groundworks and ignoring stop notices from the NP which is obviously not good.

What happens next? If they ignore the stop notice will they effectively just continue all works until they eventually end up in court?

Edit: The Buxton Advertiser seems a bit less concerned:

Is it possible they are simply well meaning hippies who believe in some weird stuff? I'm sort of missing the big smoking gun that says they're planning to totally fuck the land, other than ignoring the stop notices and not getting the relevant permissions which obviously isn't great?


--- Quote from: spidermonkey09 on August 01, 2022, 02:29:41 pm ---Can someone who knows a bit more flesh this out? From my reading, it looks like a group of slightly mad eco hippies who want to build an eco community; so far so good. But in doing so they're undertaking illegal groundworks and ignoring stop notices from the NP which is obviously not good.

What happens next? If they ignore the stop notice will they effectively just continue all works until they eventually end up in court?

--- End quote ---

Seems that way and if they have enough funding they may just be able to swat away any fines that come their way.

Will Hunt:
Some pretty hefty designations they're contravening there. Hopefully the authorities get them in court quick sharp.

If anyone wants to see what an absolute madhead Rachel Elnaugh is then just trip over to her Youtube channel. But be careful of dissonance in the grid and holograms injected into your arms by the Nuremburg Nurses:


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