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Significant First Ascents

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Powerful tache. He should be playing AFL.


--- Quote from: Fiend on April 11, 2024, 10:09:51 am ---

--- Quote ---I’m not really sure how to write a caption about something that I’ve been looking at for 12+ years, trying for 6 seasons and thought I might never send. But… I’m fucking psyched to have seen this one through!!!
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...seems to be the sort of simple, direct way one could communicate this sort of thing:

--- Quote ---simply had a profound experience and he wasn't sure how to share it with the wider climbing public without the whole thing getting reduced down to numbers.
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Aidan basically talked for about 40 mins on the pod about the experience, that would be quite a long instagram caption!

andy popp:

--- Quote from: Bradders on April 11, 2024, 09:51:33 am ---Keenan Takahashi has made the first ascent of The Gold Standard on the Golden Boulder in Bishop. This feels pretty significant; proper LGP stuff. The face was originally climbed by Sonnie Trotter and named Standing on the Shoulders of Giants, and so named because one literally had to stand on a partner's shoulders to reach the start holds. What a line!

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Here's another recent FA from the moustachioed one (or the film is recent anyway).

Noticed Dave Mc did his long term project at 8B+, and followed the trend of not telling anyone for a month. Will Bosi repeated in in a day a few weeks back and held off with that news until Dave released his. I had thought this would be harder as its taken him a long time.

News from Instagram.

This may have been reported earlier, its on climbing History,  but i cant be arsed to wade through pages of stuff about paywalls to check.


--- Quote ---A couple of weeks ago I completed my long term project on the Animal Boulder near Inverness. Although I did all the moves a couple of winters ago, I really struggled to link it from the start to the position in this pic. As usual for me, despite many tens of sessions, I kept changing things in my sequence right up to the session before I did it. One of these days, I'll complete a project that actually feels hard when you do it. Once I actually figured out beta that got around my lack of strength on undercuts, the successful try felt pretty steady. The first time I got to the lip, I got to the top. Given that the Animal Boulder looks like a bear's head, I'm calling this line 'Bultitude' after the soft spoken but deadly bear in C.S. Lewis' 'That Hideous Strength'. Torn on the grade but I'll go with 8B+ for now. 8B seems a bit harsh, although maybe folk strong on undercuts will find it easier. I have another project that relies on undercut strength and quite psyched to try that some more, now that I have some freedom from this line. I have some video of it to finish editing - its been a busy couple of weeks!
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Two teasers of recent progress:


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