the shizzle > topos - bouldering

Ingleby Incline

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I had a search through the forum and couldn't find anything relevant, but I'm looking to check out Ingleby Incline at some point soon (ie this weekend maybe).

(a) what guide is necessary to find my way around/can anyone share a couple of photos of relevant pages so I don't need to buy a guide that may not get much use?
(b) is it worth going this time of year? I'm unfamiliar with this venue and not aware of seeping, etc.


There are 2 guides Franco’s which is routes and limited bouldering and there’s the bouldering guide.
I’ve been once and my memory is you need the guide to find your way round.

Will Hunt:
I reckon either of those guides would be well worth supporting.

Agree with the above.

Having said that, we visited a couple of years ago and the landscape had changed significantly since the guides came out which added to the challenge...

Oh and I seem to recall Richie Crouch broke something off the Bear Pit problem (Bears Paw?) which may now be significantly harder!

The Carriage is a brilliant boulder. Good luck!

There are a few good problems, but it's mostly a bit rubbish. Try and go there in a breeze if you can.

My guide's got all the good problems at ingleby in, but it's done in a pretty shit way.

Will's guide is just a knock off of my guide, so with even less and even worse. Betaguides is out of print and the pages will blow away before you get out of the car.

In summary: don't go there and don't buy any guides.  :lol:


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