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Northern Rock

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Will Hunt:
The Dental Slab photo is one of my favourites. Such a beautiful climb and such a gorgeous evening and it turned out just as I'd thought it might.
The photographer, Ben, is a work colleague (and climber) and we'd talked about getting some drone shots. Rylstone faces north-west so only really gets the sun in the late afternoon and evening. All through June and the start of July that year I was looking at the weather and trying to get an evening when I could get up there with Ben and some willing subjects.
One evening it came together and we started off on Monument Crack (I wanted a shot from the air of someone climbing Monument Crack with the cross in view on top - that one's also in the book) before moving onto Dental Slab as the light was turning golden.

This was to be Lindsay's first onsight of a Severe and we had to give her a little pep talk to help her over the nerves first. She got on and crusied up the first bit but then started to stall towards the top - where she is in the photo there was lots of upping and downing. James and I are stood behind the big triangular boulder in the photo shouting encouragement and eventually she summoned her courage and topped out - a really fantastic moment.

Alex, I'll answer you but I'll have to think a bit more first!

Lovely pic
The link doesn’t seem to work Will. Or there’s an error on the linked page ?

If I buy a copy will you highlight all the downgrades for me?

Looks great! If you're a soft southern jessie and only an intermittent visitor north of The Peak this is probably the only guide you need.

Will Hunt:
Sorry for the link faff. It seems there's been an issue with the CC website today.
This one will work and is a bit more smart-phone friendly than the Wired website. This looks like a CC link but will still work.
(Please could a mod update my OP with this link?)


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