the shizzle > the log pile

Steroids/SARMs/PEDS - IFSC, Olympics, Real Rock Wads, etc

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I'd like to bring this question up again. It's been 14 years since the previous steroids thread.

I read the thread about Lexicon E11/7A before posting this, and I don't want to bring it back to the Malc/Gresh question etc.


Climbing is in the olympics now. More and more people are being traditionally coached, the 'sport of climbing' becomes more mainstream every day.

Many lower income countries give huge rewards for medals at the olympics. Mo money mo problems.

SARMs can be bought legally, and are similarly effective to traditional testosterone based steroids (barring the gain in tenacity which traditional steroids give and a few other things).

Certain SARMs (thinking Ostarine) have been shown to have a tangible impact on tendon thickness, and specialise in maintenance of muscle mass on a cutting phase. All whilst not being particularly testosterone suppressive.

Steroids/SARMs don't make you heavy if you're not in a calorie surplus, they just mean you recover faster, get stronger, everything is improved.

Also the whole 'you'll get too strong and rip your tendons apart' seems to be scare mongering pseudo science at best. Similar to you'll die or go into roid rage all the time. If you're railing trenbolone by the gram, sure, if you're nice and sensible, absolutely not.

Every mature sport I can think of, running, cycling, weightlifting, swimming, Judo etc etc, is rife with PED use at the elite level. This isn't really even a secret if you have more than a superficial interest in these things.

So guys, how juicy is climbing, and how juicy will it be in 5 years. Both in terms on real rock and plastic. If the Slovenian weightlifting team got as strong as the Slovenian climbing team over a 4 year period I'd be laughing my socks off (think the Italian weightlifting team in the last 4 years).

The idea that climbing doesn't have this is crazy to me. Someone elite on the rock, Nalle, Ondra, Jimmy Webb, etc etc spend their lives chasing small edges. When I think of all other sports, those people who spend their lives chasing small edges very very often take PEDs. Why should climbing be different.

My general opinion on this is the same as when I watch Lasha Talakhadze total 492KG. Is he clean. Absolutely not. Is anyone in elite weightlifting. Absolutely not. Does the reduce how impressive it is, absolutely not.

I just want to feel younger

Human Gresh Hormones are probably the answers

Ha, HGH is weirdly overrated from all of my research. Human Gresh Hormone obviously is different.

Though people who say TRT isn't a PED are mad. If your base testosterone at 25 is 500 (very normal). And TRT takes you up to the top of what a physical genetic specimen can be (800)  at the age of 40, 50 or 60, you're juicing.

Get on it Lagers :D

I used to work occasional shifts at the juice clinic.
Some of the older guys are very enthusiastic about what they do.

Hey, those guys chase desperate slopers and minging pockets, as well as small edges....


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