Aims for 2022 (Read 41562 times)


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#125 Re: Aims for 2022
March 24, 2022, 05:14:37 pm
Just getting on one in any form would be progress.

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#126 Re: Aims for 2022
June 03, 2022, 10:55:48 am
- 7b onsight
- cent patates (7b+) in ceuse
- eat a lot of french pastries

I’m fucking smashing the pastries aim.  :strongbench:

Got my first 7a+ onsight of the trip yesterday too so hopefully 7b will follow soon. Only a few days left to try Cent Patatas too - though this rain might wash the chalk off…


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#127 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 12:31:21 pm
definitely made this list too long. Anyway half way update.

same same, but different

- 5 off the never ending “why have you not done these yet?” list [3]
- 5 sec, one hand, front 3, BM2K outer edge. See Ryuichi for inspiration. (briefly tried last week and didn’t last a second on either hand!) [spent a fair amount of time focusing on front three, however...]
- 5 eights [1, most of my fingers are pretty f**ked at the moment, so will be surprised to do any more this year]
- 5 new UK crags [3]
- 5 sessions on new to me 8B’s [0]
- 5 sessions on 8a+/< sport routes [4]
- 5 off the highball list [0 cleaned up two, but never got round to trying them]
- 5 FA’s (including shitty link ups) [4, including one that's actually half decent! a few more potentially great ones pending]
- 5 climbing trips (weekends away, holidays) [2]
- 5 Dragon/God level board projects [0, the first of a slew of finger woes kicked off in February, so very little hard board cranking]
- 5 training room PBs (hopefully set some benchmarks in the next few weeks) [everything non finger specific is going well]
- 5 percent increase on my powerlifting lifts (benchmarks all set, but haven't really spent much time pushing them, so 5% might be too easy, we'll see). [new bench press PB, haven't had any pb sessions on the other two yet]

wildcard lifetime goal [tick]
- do an 8A in the forest (close during my short trip in Oct 2021, hopefully I'll get another punt in 2022) [Le Vent dans la Plaine went down first day of my trip in April (so a big fat yyfy!). It was particularly fortunate as it was 20+ degrees for the rest of the trip. Thankfully that's enough success to see me through the rest of the year, possibly even next year too.]

and finally
- get back to pre-pandemic perceived level of ability (might be purely psychological, but I feel like my general climbing level has dipped during the pandemic, so it will be nice to feel like I’m properly cranking again). [see finger complaints, psyche is high, but strength is low]


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#128 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 12:39:35 pm
1. Heal my knee and recover full strength in that. - yes, seems back to normal
2. Heal my golfer's elbow and recover enough strength to train / try hard in that. - no, reaggravated it and now much worse
3. Heal / manage my tennis elbow & shoulder niggles. - no, reaggravated tennis, slightly easing but still bad
4. Get back to training / recover my strength and fitness (the lowest they've been in a decade) without re-injuring. - no, worse than ever.
5. With guidance get back into more sustainable habits / protocols for training / trying hard. - no, not a chance, see above.
6. Get back into stretching / mobility once knee is healed. - yes, actually started doing a bit, the only thing I can train
7. Do a LOT more falling practise once I'm back on a rope as it's one thing I'm not hampered with. - no, never really got back into the right situations.
8. Get into better / strict habits of warming up well whenever needed. - not really relevant as I can only do warm-ups
9. Something to do with sorting out my camping kit / tolerance. - no, not applicable
10. Do some proper fucking climbing. - NO, NO, with added NO. Absolutely nowhere near in any aspect.

An absolute shit-show.

Replacing all goals with:

1. Stay alive and try to find something worth living for
2. Try to stay active enough not to deteriorate further.
3. Keep pushing to stay in contact with friends, climbing partners, and maintain social life.
4. Try to be careful enough to heal elbows a bit more.
5. See 1.


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#129 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 01:26:53 pm
Don't worry, we'll keep pushing back.
In a good way.
Not that way

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#130 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 01:28:23 pm
Shockingly, lockdowns, injury and becoming a parent has meant my last logged outdoor climb/boulder was in May... FFS. Shouldn't be too hard to better that in 2022 I hope, so my aims are simply:

1. Jumping on the bandwagon here as well - be a good Dad/partner. tick
2. Build the woodie (shed is up, materials have arrived, holds on order... just need a precious day or so to put it up) tick
3. Get back to the outdoors in general with family - walking, camping, van, etc not bad - managed a few outdoorsy days and we're off camping at the weekend. Yet to combine with any climbing and yet to overnight in the van with the little one, hopefully tick both this summer
4. Do more climbing than 2021. tick, only just though. Still half the year left!
5. Look after bicep. tick - one year on from injury and nearly back to full strength
6. Get in some more Trad days with my brother, like the good old times! nope

Less of a priority now and seemingly impossible:

7. Finish (haha!) house renovation and endless list of DIY jobs very slow progress, but progress nonetheless


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#131 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 01:29:32 pm
Halfway!  ;D :-\ :'( :slap:

- >12 sessions on boards other than my own - done 6 so well on track. Weirdly hard to fit this in though, don't know how I used to manage without a board at home!
- Keep up endurance training over winter; would be great to get back on a rope in spring and not feel like I'm starting from scratch again endurance wise. Actually quite enjoy the basic suffering of foot on campussing. - Yep did lots (for me). I just don't have time to sport climb atm though.
- Minimise missed training sessions - done really well with this
- Stretch / yoga 5x per week - getting much more consistent with this now, but earlier in the year was struggling.

- 100 Vpoints in a day at Almscliff, Caley or Earl; been threatening to have a go at this for years, Caley feels most likely so hopefully conditions allow in February / March time. - distracted by other things throughout winter / early spring and then got injured. Haven't even been to any of them this year bar one abortive visit to a damp Caley!
- Do more things likely to take 2-4 sessions; particularly sport but boulders too. Last year did a lot of 2nd or 3rd go "in a day" redpoints which was fine as a way of racking up routes but I suspect that doing harder routes would actually be more beneficial both physically and tactically. - I find this so hard in bouldering, as in getting the balance right between trying things that are really way too hard for me but my ego says otherwise, and things that will actually take 2-4 sessions. So far have tended to undershoot it and done loads of things in a session. Done 5 problems that have taken 2 or 3 sessions, and put 2-4 sessions into 5 others that I've not yet done, plus a couple of others that I've had a session on and not been back to. Maybe it's easier to judge for routes but still haven't tied on this year.
- Keep doing easier routes but must either onsight, flash or walk away; no 2nd go redpoints of anything <7b. Would love to get better at flashing things at least, given how tricky UK onsighting can be. Walking away will be tricky for the ego! - nope
- Go abroad again! Font, Swiss and / or Ireland - yes, great big tick. Unfortunately picked up a bad wrist injury a week before Font (I couldn't hang from a fingerboard...), but still had a great time doing loads of climbing, ending up climbing 5 days in a row, then had a fantastic time in SW Ireland doing loads of quality problems and even a clutch of FAs.
- >100 sessions on rock - on 43 as of today, which feels like good going albeit not quite on track for 100. Was always going to be a tough ask this year but hopefully should still get close!
- >10 sessions bouldering on Eastern lime
- >10 sessions bouldering on central Peak lime
- had 14 sessions on lime generally so far so well on track for these two. Enjoying it a lot.

Grade Chasing
- 8A - dropped the last hard move of one 5x over 2 sessions, then picked up a succession of injuries which are only now clearing up. Primary goal of training now for the next couple of months.  :boxing:
- 8a+ (or at least try one) - nope, as above
- >10 7C and up - done 1-3 depending on who you ask.

- Go part time; I'm in the extremely fortunate position where this is both possible at work and, should be, financially viable. It's a biggy as it should help everything else on this list. It's already all agreed with a 3 month test period from February to end of April, so fingers crossed it works out. It's still pretty scary given that whenever I look at the news there are dire warnings about inflation / cost of living, etc. - Yep, reduced hours and very lucky to be able to work really flexibly.
- Get made permanent at current grade at work; been on various secondments at this level since December 2018! Current role looks good, management saying all the right things and the work is certainly there to be done, so fingers crossed. Part time shouldn't affect it, and may actually help. - Yes, big fat tick
- Be a good husband and father; last on the list but really it's first y'know. - I can't really answer this one. I hope so though!

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#132 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 01:32:18 pm
2 x 8A [1]
10 x ≥7C [3]
side splits [0]

First on paper 8A and 4 sessions deep on an 8A+ that has accidentally become my project (it couldn't suit me more). Need to get my finger out and start knocking off some 7C's! Glacial progress on side splits despite training them nearly every day.


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#133 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 01:37:33 pm
Mine was mainly built around having 2 working legs, however the overarching theme was have fun and be social.

Whilst Fiend has failed to actually fall of because of it, I have made him giggle.

I can still possibly burn off AndyF, might need to be niche.

Never finished the patio at the superprow, Caff climbed it anyway.

I've halved my project list, by removing the highballs.


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#134 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 01:45:21 pm
Can't find a post by me but have goals on my phone of:
3x8A (0 but feeling close on more than 3, just terrible at going back to anything I don't do in a session)
10x7C+ or above (11, so 1 goal done)
30x7C and above (20)
5 nemisis from last year (2 so far)

Need to get better at going back to things


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#135 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 02:36:39 pm
Entering a new year with another new injury, going to bring forward the bulk of last year's aims


- Heal current injuries and remain uninjured for the year Getting there, able to pull hard on V9s and 10s is good but still a bit limited on moves that aggravate it
- 5 V9s None so far but v close on one - had planned to finish it off this weekend then half of Chaos fell down NNFN
- V10 This may actually go this season if I keep training well, cutting and remain uninjured. Made good progress on one so far
- Go on at least three trips (weekend +) Only done one (Bishop) and should get maybe one more this year


- Get down to 10% BW assistance hangs on one-arm BM2k slot Tweaky fingers, on path for this by end of the year but who knows
- Get weight down to 80kg Yes, progress towards this is good. Stairmaster helping a lot

Bloody hell that's an ambitious list (looking back)


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#136 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 02:43:01 pm

Continue exploring new (to me) mountain crags in Scotland and be climbing at a decent level to get the most from them.
I've not got out much in the hills, but my head's in a decent place and I'm fit and motivated, so fingers crossed for some good weather.

The only real goal for next year is to tick Marlene at Dunkeld. I had a play this year and could climb all of the sections, it just needed a bit of work on stamina and recovery. I'm hoping that if walls stay open this time I'll be able to get this done quickly in the spring.
haven't got it done, but only had a couple of sessions and made good progress.
Trip to Ceuse booked in from end of May for 2 weeks. I'd just like to be ticking some 7s without a big fuss really, moving well and enjoying good company would make for a great trip. :)
I spent the first few days wobbling above bolts, took a real punter fall where my leg went behind the rope and between 2 bolts, resulting in a massive bruise and some ropeburn, but it all came good in the end. I felt like I'd remembered how to try hard by the end of the trip and got up quite a few low 7s.

I'd like to run at least 10km a week.
I say this every year and then don't do it, but I did cycle to work consistently for 6 months and have been running more. I know I can step out of the door and do 10km without it being a big deal, which is a nice level of fitness.
Fingerboarding - always good intentions and little action. Even once a fortnight would be progress.
Got fingerboard mounted and have actually used it.
I've made more effort at the wall recently. I have a very low failure threshold indoors, so I'd like to make sure I attempt harder circuits and accept that I might not do any of the problems, trying to view it as every move done is training.
Stamina sessions at Ratho in the lead up to Ceuse.
Not as many stamina sessions as I could have, but I definitely tried a lot harder last winter.

Buy a house in the Central Belt.
Bought a place in Bridge of Allan, have been mowing the lawn every since.
OH is desperate for a dog once we have a garden for it.
Got to dog proof the garden, but this is on for autumn.
Hopefully find work fulfilling and have a better idea of what it looks like long term. I've been working in care the last 18 months and I enjoy the job, but prospects seem limited, and I've been messed about and undervalued by employers which has really stressed me out. Have recently started a new role, so hopefully the new place is better in that regard.
New place was a total shitshow, unable to even sort rotas properly, pay holiday pay, send payslips, pay the correct wage, monitor Covid testing and more. I also spent 6 months working nights, which I hadn't signed up for. Have just finished grievance procedure (after the second round when my office fobbed me off) and been paid my full rate for the missing wages. Haven't been offered any shifts since I raised a grievance...
Sort out better freelance working habits - both in terms of pitching, talking money and actually sitting down to get it done.
Have been busy working nights, this should change colour over the summer.
The big one is to finally sort out the mess of a book I've been writing and get over my pure terror at sending it to people who might actually be able to give me useful and honest feedback!
In progress, I've had quite a bit of time away from it and it's taking some time to get a clear idea of where it's heading. Have spoken to agents who are interested, which is a good start.
I've got another series of Factor Two in the works, but I have no idea when it might be released at the moment. There are some good ideas on paper though and a few interviewees lined up.
Slowly happening, subject to time consumed by above.


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#137 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 04:21:13 pm
Pretty much put climbing on the backburner while training for Snowdonia Trail Marathon (next weekend). So it's a fairly poor set of halfway results, but hope to switch it up second half of the year and focus more on the climbing.


- At least one E3, with a suitably shaped pyramid below that. Don't think I've even done an E1, not much trad at all
- Don't shy away from non-slabs: bit flimsy, but can't (shouldn't?) just climb slabs forever. Meh, bit mixed, but not done enough to say. Vast majority has been easy solos.


- At least one 7A+, with a suitably shaped pyramid below that. Nope, done maybe up to 6B+? But hard to say with some inaccurate grades. Not really tried too hard though, just go out and do 6As quickly and don't bother trying harder stuff generally. Perpetually thin skin/lack of effort.


- At least one 7a+, less emphasis on the pyramid since I don't see myself doing a lot this year, but we'll see how it goes. Done very little aside from a trip to Sicily in March. Actually probably could have done a 7a if the sun didn't go down while working it. With actual investment, probably could manage this still
- Keep on top of endurance more, as a general good practice/not feeling like a complete punter every time I tie in. Very little after March, will be even harder now Big Depot is closed.


- Fingerboard more than now (almost never). No particular goals, need to find my current level first. oof
- Actually campus something. Honestly even 1-2 on big rungs would be good, I'm reaching the limit of my zero-power approach to climbing, and it's definitely holding me back on things that should be routine. double oof

- Do a mountain marathon (probably Snowdonia trail marathon in July). A strong orange, week on Sunday is the race. Excited!
- Run at least one leg of the BGR, as a little taster (long long long term goal)Not done, but could defo happen. Depends on running psyche post marathon


- Visit at least 15 new crags Think I'm on 14, discounting Sicily. Easy target really
- Help my partner with her goals Think I've done ok!
- Go on a walking/scrambling/running trip to ScotlandTimings didn't work out for May, maybe autumn?
- Come up with an idea of how these grade pyramids should look!Not given thought to things like this while not focusing on climbing
- Actually make a bit of effort to meet some new partners, just been a bit lazy on that front since moving. not really

Plenty of time left to achieve aims this year - all this time that's felt unproductive through the first half, we get to live again and make the changes to work on those goals. Optimism for the remainder of 2022  :beer2:

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#138 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 04:42:53 pm

Whilst Fiend has failed to actually fall of because of it, I have made him giggle.

I can still possibly burn off AndyF, might need to be niche

Excellent work with Fiend. As for niche, just find something with a crack in it. Any crack. Those things are kryptonite.

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#139 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 04:49:31 pm
1) Recover 100% from COVID
2) 7b+ sport
3) 7A boulder

Setting lowish goals (apart from No1) is the way forward. I'd rather be unambitious and successful nowadays, so much less stressful

1) Tick. But I've pulled a groin kicking a football back to the kids, so that needs to heal 100% before I head out again.
2) I climbed an 8a. And a 7c. And a 7b+. So I guess that's a tick.
3) Barely bouldered outside, so that's something to aim for in the next 6 months (if the groin injury goes)

Well done everyone. 6 months to destroy those projects/aims. Get to it.

@Fiend. Stay alive, the world is better with you in it.


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#140 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 05:38:40 pm
Fix back problems
Annular tear has had me scunnered for over 2 years{age/wear and tear}
Herniated disc, still a major problem so many of my aims for this year will be affected by this.
Finish Strathnairn guide
taking longer than anticipated
This has paused while publication problems are sorted.
Train specifically for the last 2 lines in Rooftown
Then top them out Ha
Trying my best under time constraints, daughter is 4 weeks old and started my new business round about the same time so its a little full on at the moment
Finish off last line in Barry Valley
Might be the hardest thing i have ever tried
No, but Robbie Phillips helped figure out some crucial beta so might go a little easier.
Try for oldest send of QED, Susurrus
seriously ambitious
Fix wood burning stove in climbing wall
will make for a cheaper more sustainable heating/drying solution
Refurbed an old stove and we are actually putting it in the living room so we can cut down on heating bills  :)


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#141 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 06:05:24 pm
1) Recover 100% from COVID
2) 7b+ sport
3) 7A boulder

Setting lowish goals (apart from No1) is the way forward. I'd rather be unambitious and successful nowadays, so much less stressful

1) Tick. But I've pulled a groin kicking a football back to the kids, so that needs to heal 100% before I head out again.
2) I climbed an 8a. And a 7c. And a 7b+. So I guess that's a tick.
3) Barely bouldered outside, so that's something to aim for in the next 6 months (if the groin injury goes)

Well done everyone. 6 months to destroy those projects/aims. Get to it.

@Fiend. Stay alive, the world is better with you in it.
If the groin injury isn't too severe, you might be able to climb around the injury. They are an injury that tends to be slow to heal but you can climb around a mild/moderate strain quite effectively. A full rupture is a different story.

I strained my groin back in October. It's only just approaching fully healed now. I've continued bouldering on it throughout.

There have been quite a few moves where I've had to be careful and modify how I do a move. But I think there's only been about 3 moves in that period that I've had to avoid entirely and it hasn't impacted my maximum grade at all.

I don't think anything that I have done climbing has done further damage to it. I have to warm my legs up more thoroughly and more gradually.

I have had to be far more cautious with it during stretching, yoga and especially running. There are stretches/poses that I've had to avoid for a long time and I had to stop running altogether for a few months.

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#142 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 06:31:00 pm
I'm climbing around it indoors, but given the current price of fuel an the cost of living crunch I'm not going outside until it's worth spending the cash to climb well. As I've achieved my main aim for the year, it's not a huge problem at the moment.

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#143 Re: Aims for 2022
July 01, 2022, 09:52:40 pm

- keep up with physio and get running again
Yes - but then stopped before the trip so think I’d need to build up a lot again
- climb twice a week to get happy on board circuits/problems after injury
Climbed a lot
- some pre-hab (TBC) to work on some grips I don’t use much
Crimped a lot more - think it’s helped

April onwards

- Quit job and head off in van
Massive Tick
- 7b onsight
Very close on 2 occasions - misreading the last move on both
- 7b+ onsight
- 7c onsight
- cent patates (7b+) in ceuse
Didn't try it in the end - hopefully get back there later this year
- don’t get sucked into hard boulders
Flash or very quick so far. Anything more seems to break me!
- have fun and take time to properly relax
So far so good
- do some big multi day walks in Europe
So far we’ve only climbed and done one-day walks
- eat a lot of french pastries
Smashing this
- find job to start in 2023 for when we come back

- if I can’t get a visa to stay in Europe for 9 months, tick off some of my 2021 route aims


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#144 Re: Aims for 2022
July 02, 2022, 09:20:36 am
My aims for the year are both going terribly and going great. Doubt I'll be doing 7B on grit or 7B+ on limestone any time soon. But I'm definitely much physically stronger, despite the whole knee disaster, and I've probably got a decent chance of getting a 7A+ on grit done, and various 7As and 7A+s have already happened this year.

In terms of life; life is vastly better than it was and I'm really happy with that. Rebalancing and getting back on my career, new (great) job, renovating my apartment etc. Basically all good stuff.

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#145 Re: Aims for 2022
July 02, 2022, 11:11:02 am
My aims for the year are both going terribly and going great. Doubt I'll be doing 7B on grit or 7B+ on limestone any time soon. But I'm definitely much physically stronger, despite the whole knee disaster, and I've probably got a decent chance of getting a 7A+ on grit done, and various 7As and 7A+s have already happened this year.

If you want an on paper tick for lime 7B+ get to Roche Abbey and do fallen idol. A 1 move problem that's entirely down to finger strength. It's probably 7A+ in reality and not very good but think of the green tick on Instagram potential!

To make your visit more worthwhile, the fool is a much more legitimate
finger strength dependent 7B+, and there are some good problems from 7A / 7A+ such as bad habits sit and faith left and right hand versions.


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#146 Re: Aims for 2022
July 02, 2022, 08:45:42 pm
Having been injured since mid March and still injured now, it’s not been the year I envisioned. So here’s state of play.

Outside Climbing
30 or more days outside climbing.
(8 so far)

Onsight 6c
Onsight 6b+
10 easy Redpoints 6b to 6c+ (6 so far)
Redpoint 7a in a day

Indoor climbing (Onsight/Flash) 

 I know, who counts indoor routes?? Beggars can’t be choosers.
50x 6a (15 so far)
40x 6a+ (13 so far)
30x 6b (1 so far)
20x 6b+ (2 so far)
5x 6c  (Redpoint)

Will not be able to achieve all these one listed below now. I’ve not renewed my School membership, will use a commercial gym to get more easier climbing to rebuild from these injuries. The Depot only has the 2019 I think.

Moonboard 2016 set
4x benchmark 6b or harder (1 so far)

Moonboard 2017 set
4x benchmark 6b or harder

Moonboard 2019 set
4x benchmark 6b or harder (1 so far)

50 Degree Board
4x 6b or harder

Starting building my coaching alongside my nursing.
Get 5 clients for coaching.   (1 so far)
Get 1 team for coaching. 2 - pro bono, would like paying team

Really hoping to get past this pulley injury soon & salvage the year. Knee is coming on ok now.
Best of luck to everyone
« Last Edit: July 02, 2022, 09:08:29 pm by Aussiegav »


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#147 Re: Aims for 2022
July 03, 2022, 09:58:37 am
If you want an on paper tick for lime 7B+ get to Roche Abbey and do fallen idol. A 1 move problem that's entirely down to finger strength. It's probably 7A+ in reality and not very good but think of the green tick on Instagram potential!
You awful person, enough of that rot  :sick: :chair:


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#148 Re: Aims for 2022
July 03, 2022, 11:20:34 pm
My aims for the year are both going terribly and going great. Doubt I'll be doing 7B on grit or 7B+ on limestone any time soon. But I'm definitely much physically stronger, despite the whole knee disaster, and I've probably got a decent chance of getting a 7A+ on grit done, and various 7As and 7A+s have already happened this year.

If you want an on paper tick for lime 7B+ get to Roche Abbey and do fallen idol. A 1 move problem that's entirely down to finger strength. It's probably 7A+ in reality and not very good but think of the green tick on Instagram potential!

To make your visit more worthwhile, the fool is a much more legitimate
finger strength dependent 7B+, and there are some good problems from 7A / 7A+ such as bad habits sit and faith left and right hand versions.

Funny you say that, I find the fool piss compared to fallen idol (which I haven't done despite having a few sessions on it). I'm no crimp waif but Im not completely shit on small holds either.


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#149 Re: Aims for 2022
July 04, 2022, 02:00:49 pm
My aims for the year are both going terribly and going great. Doubt I'll be doing 7B on grit or 7B+ on limestone any time soon. But I'm definitely much physically stronger, despite the whole knee disaster, and I've probably got a decent chance of getting a 7A+ on grit done, and various 7As and 7A+s have already happened this year.

If you want an on paper tick for lime 7B+ get to Roche Abbey and do fallen idol. A 1 move problem that's entirely down to finger strength. It's probably 7A+ in reality and not very good but think of the green tick on Instagram potential!

To make your visit more worthwhile, the fool is a much more legitimate
finger strength dependent 7B+, and there are some good problems from 7A / 7A+ such as bad habits sit and faith left and right hand versions.

I thought Top Shop Low at Blackwell Dale was a pretty friendly 7B+ With a few hard moves and droppable too but all the moves are workable individually too which is always helpful


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