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Documenting Grinah Stones?

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There must be another dimension where I didn’t stall out on making my Peak bouldering development film and now have loads of great footage for it.  :'(

--- Quote from: Bonjoy on December 22, 2021, 11:25:04 am ---NOTE: Some of the best things have been up at Grinah Stone where we did some cracking stuff which probably hasn’t been done before as they required cleaning by abseil. I’d love to be able to share these and to encourage more traffic, but I’ll stick by the agreed no documentation thing. FWIW I think this rule is well past it’s use by date. There are so many hurdles to put people off going to this place that even people ‘in the know’ rarely actually make it up. I really think the place would still be extremely quiet if written up, people would just get more and better climbing done when they were there. If anyone wants info on stuff I know about up there by all means PM me.

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I was blown away when I went up there both by the sheer amount of rock and by how much of it is in the “Jesus, look at that!” category.

Johnny Brown:

--- Quote ---[author=Bonjoy link=topic=31666.msg651296#msg651296 date=1640172304]
NOTE: Some of the best things have been up at Grinah Stone where we did some cracking stuff which probably hasn’t been done before as they required cleaning by abseil. I’d love to be able to share these and to encourage more traffic, but I’ll stick by the agreed no documentation thing. FWIW I think this rule is well past it’s use by date. There are so many hurdles to put people off going to this place that even people ‘in the know’ rarely actually make it up. I really think the place would still be extremely quiet if written up, people would just get more and better climbing done when they were there. If anyone wants info on stuff I know about up there by all means PM me.

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I'm not sure of the rationale for the original decision not to publish, but (as you say) if it was ro reduce traffic it does seems overkill. However it is a special and unique experience to visit a venue as good as this and have to explore and make the problems up yourself, and then leave with no ticks or grades, just memories. It can leave your ego a little adrift and I think that that perhaps is more valuable now than ever as bouldering gets ever more goal oriented and acquisitive. Of course that effect will be strongest on a first visit, and be much reduced if you have an initiate to show you round, but my first visit was a very memorable experience that I hadn't anticipated, and gave me pause to question my usual motivations. So I think given we've got this far, it might be worth continuing. Forgive me for going a little DT here, but what does the community gain by writing it up? A messy scramble for retro-claims, more of the same to spoonfeed the masses with, and a litttle less wildness in the world?

There might be a third way which is to publish some photos in the guide showing the breadth and depth, alongside some vague navel gazing text explanation (or even a poem if we really wanted to annoy people).

Edit: neither of the Kinder Guides suggest the venue is left undescribed to protect it from popularity, in fact both actively promote it as being great, so I suspect the reasoning is more along the lines of the above.

PS that long thing was never 7A+!


--- Quote from: Johnny Brown on December 22, 2021, 04:57:30 pm ---Forgive me for going a little DT here, but what does the community gain by writing it up? A messy scramble for retro-claims, more of the same to spoonfeed the masses with, and a litttle less wildness in the world?

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I would have thought that would put it well up your street  ;)

Im with JB on the Grinah stones thing (though I've not actually been...)

The peak is pretty well documented so having a spot (and a good one at that by the looks of it) where you're forced to explore is a relatively unique experience.

That sounds great to me JB!


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