the shizzle > new routes

[Cornwall] [Willapark] [Morgana's Mead] [XS, 5c]

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 Strong lines on that cliff. Well done.. Keeping it anachronistic in these safety conscious times.

However, from personal experience I found that once I stopped these Errol Flynn type adventures for a period of time I was unable to pick up the skills enough to not run away screaming. So keep going! Or not.
The door shuts hard

Top effort, am personally quite envious as my SW chossaneering is really quite minimal, sounds very life-affirming.


--- Quote from: Hoseyb on September 02, 2021, 10:25:27 am --- However, from personal experience I found that once I stopped these Errol Flynn type adventures for a period of time I was unable to pick up the skills enough to not run away screaming. So keep going! Or not.
The door shuts hard

--- End quote ---

That's an interesting observation (you should write a blog!).

As above, I had a spell when I was into this kind of thing. After five years abstinence, tried a route at Compass Point and found my capacity had vanished completely.

Cheers all. It’s a strong line (I’ll add a topo when I can), great climbing, and very “life affirming”!

@Duncan - Bird Brain is on the list. If you did it, did you abseil back to the boulder choke or walk down the back of the island and traverse around?  I’m currently trying to work out how to juggle tides to both get to the start of the route and get off the island afterwards ….

andy popp:

--- Quote from: kingholmesy on September 02, 2021, 09:41:36 pm ---@Duncan - Bird Brain is on the list. If you did it, did you abseil back to the boulder choke or walk down the back of the island and traverse around?  I’m currently trying to work out how to juggle tides to both get to the start of the route and get off the island afterwards ….

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I've done Bird Brain, I think with Frank Ramsay. I've no recollection of getting off, which suggests we didn't ab, maybe? The route itself was great, not a horrorshow


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