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Tablet recommendations 2021

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So.... tablet recommendations. I want a tablet to read the morning paper and to play sheet music from. I am indifferent to os but without checking, I suppose only Android and iOS is supported by my morning paper. I guess larger screen is always better for the applications I am thinking of, but that they can be run on any old tablet, so a reconditioned one should be absolutely fine. Recommendations?

I've got a Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1, it was pretty cheap, I think I've had it a couple of years and its lasted really well.  Fine for reading the papers,  but I've used it for watching movies if travelling which it works fine for too, and for doing small amounts of work on. I'd recommend it.  When I bought it, I got the previous years version which was almost identical and about a third cheaper than the newest one.

10" Fire HD and tweak it to have Google Play Store on it (more app choices)
We have a fifth gen and a seventh gen. Both work fine for what you are after.
7th gen has a much better battery.
5th gen cost £35 (eBay) a couple of years ago


--- Quote from: lagerstarfish on August 06, 2021, 11:02:00 pm ---10" Fire HD and tweak it to have Google Play Store on it (more app choices)
We have a fifth gen and a seventh gen. Both work fine for what you are after.
7th gen has a much better battery.
5th gen cost £35 (eBay) a couple of years ago

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I find all the Amazon stuff on fires unbearable hence why I got a Samsung. The fire tablets are very good value however if you can put up with it. I've used one a reasonable bit, it's slightly older but it's much slower than my Samsung.

chris j:

--- Quote from: TobyD on August 06, 2021, 10:47:41 pm ---I've got a Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1, it was pretty cheap, I think I've had it a couple of years and its lasted really well.

--- End quote ---

+1 Had a couple over the years (the first died due to my then 4 year old daughter doing something to the usb connector...). Does movies, newspaper, magazines, coped with primary level home-school through lockdowns, relatively affordable...


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