places to visit > lost and found

Found: North Wales Rock Guidebook

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North Wales Rock Guidebook (the Ground Up selected climbs one). Second edition.

Found in Sheffield. A bit damp but not too worse for wear.

Any claimants?

Is it the old one? Might have been thrown out the window by whoever stole my van on Sunday night

Where was it?

Edit: Mine was the first edition

It's the one with Nico Favresse on the Ace on the front cover.

Found by Millhouses Park.

No names or tick marks in it that I can see to aid identification either.

Wood FT:

--- Quote from: 205Chris on July 07, 2021, 06:47:53 am ---It's the one with Nico Favresse on the Ace on the front cover.

Found by Millhouses Park.

--- End quote ---

Should check if there's a lost and very damp boulderer in the park, muttering something about trying to find Corridors Of Power...

Duncan campbell:
Should check if there is a very lost trad climber desperately trying to find Gogarth more like!


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