I think I got into position that way, but think I went with my left backhanded into the crack with my right sort of side pulling/undercutting on a ripple on the square. It’s not absolutely impossible it was my left foot in the square. I remember it being very contorted and powerful. I apologise for not being able to remember the beta, generally I can’t remember 15 seconds later, never mind 15 years and I struggle with the whole left and right thing, much to my climbing partners’ hilarity. “ move your left hand, no your other left hand”. It’s like everything I feels on sight for me.
Completed Bring Sally Up pressup challenge (would be interested how gollum/liam go on this!)
Pop is a new finger injury on RH to compliment the ones on my L. I was hungover and second day on but no warning signs as I felt fine and I was effectively pulling on a jug when it went. Getting an ultrasound scan tomorrow to diagnose - hope it isn't a full rupture as pain not too bad but never had a pop that loud. Fuck.
ffs Coops
Is the Flatirons rock the same coarse sandstone as on Flagstaff Mountain, that they call gritstone, but isn't?
Bench press up to 205lb Hangs 18mm 10s +45lb Max weighted pull-ups crimpd test, got to +100lb X2reps. Front lever pulls X6,Weighted pull-ups X5 *5 +85lb.had a play on Captain Hook V9 - not strong enough.
Yo ever considered warming up at home? After discussion on here I'm a convert.