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Google Sketchup - legacy versions for Mac OS


It's been several years since I've had reason to use Google Sketchup and can see that it is now a paid cloud-based application. I can't seem to find any links to old versions of the free software and wondered if anybody knew why that might be. Have Google sought to remove links to these legacy versions? I really only need it to model something quite simple.

Its sketchup Make 2017 that's the last free standalone installation version.

Think its still downloadable from here..


--- Quote from: SamT on November 12, 2020, 09:21:58 am ---Its sketchup Make 2017 that's the last free standalone installation version.

Think its still downloadable from here..

--- End quote ---

Thanks Sam! I was certain I'd found that made but alas not. Much appreciated!

Oh - and its free to use via your browser too..


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