Climbing during CV-19 (Read 301877 times)


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Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 11:04:36 am
Planning to climb tomorrow and may get out Saturday.

Keen to be able to climb if someone on the household gets sick and we are self isolating. I also have the option of going fishing within walking distance of my house.

Obviously if we go out climbing, we will be super careful (I'm a shitbag normally anyway).

What are people's thoughts?

SA Chris

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#1 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 11:13:22 am
Change thread title to "doing stuff"?

I think if you can go climbing somewhere nearby that is low risk, you should. likewise running, cycling, fishing or whatever. It is important for mental and physical health, especially for those of us with issues. Need exercise, mental stimulation, sunshine. You might be including the kids soon!

I'm going to stash a pad on the coast along with a pair of shoes and can run there in about 10 minutes from home. It's a lowball traverse, with an OK approach.

1) Be safe - no sketchy MTBing, no long runs in the hills, no even remotely dangerous climbs; lowball, sport climb, toprope.
2) Don't climb near other people, or where other people may have climbed in the last 12(24?) hours.
3) Don't travel any further than necessary
4) Keep a low profile. Anything you share or talk about might encourage others.
4) If you can do it in a nice place which improves your mindset, and has positive associations.


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#2 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 11:22:29 am
Like Chris said. Also the remoter and wilder the better.

Sun shine - UV will likely zotz virus well!

Though some suggestion that it may quite like chalk (research shows some bacteria does..)

Andy W

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#3 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 11:25:59 am
It's definitely a no-no here in France now. I did think I might head out bouldering which just about fits the government criteria, ie alone, exercise, but I was never sure if I could justify a half hour drive as near home. The police are on the roads stopping people, it all seems a bit selfish to think about climbing/bouldering currently.

The lock down we have is probably going to get more sever soon. Good luck with the UK I hope the gov there gets it act together and gives some clear messages soon.

I'm lucky I have my own board, feel for the people in the cities and towns.

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#4 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 11:44:35 am
Whatever the feeling is on here, the government might force our hand soon and outlaw things.

We're going to have to do something until told otherwise. If nurseries are shutting and you have a 2 year old (:guilty:) then staying indoors is a bit of a non-option.

We're currently driving to Ilkley Moor for a walk. Wide open spaces where we can avoid close contact with others should be ok for now? Brimham will be on the cards, and we're going to Harewood tomorrow to enjoy the gardens.

I'm fortunate in that I live close to lots of climbing that is good quality but is almost never used. I suspect I'll be revisiting some of these places over the next few months (unless outlawed of course).

Driving to the crag is going to need to be very sedate. And obviously no highballing.

I ordered some new holds for the board last night!


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#5 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 11:47:04 am
My post on the Peak District Climbing FB group:

Good morning all. With wall closures and other restrictions there might be more desire to seek "individual exercise" via Peak District climbing. I'm not going to make any judgement or have any discussion about the merits of doing so, but please consider adhering the best you can to the principles of social distancing and hygiene:

Avoid popular and honeypot crags, if there are significant numbers of people move on to somewhere else, explore off-piste and quiet areas to maintain social distance, consider travelling separately, always take hand gel or a flask of hot water and soap with you, maintain a sensible distance from belayer and spotter, and of course don't go out if you or any of your co-residents have any symptoms.

Now is not the time to be huddling under Remergence roof, queuing for Flying Buttress or having a big group meet at Horseshoe. Go explore and go quiet.

It might also be worth considering the difference between outdoor activity during general covid restrictions, and outdoor activity when you are either infected or living with an infected person.


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#6 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 11:57:12 am
Some interesting commentary on the radio this morning - about how in the UK we police mainly by consent - no national ID cards, no local and federal police.

Implied that a full on France/Spain style lockdown might not be necessary if handled right. I hope so.


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#7 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 12:07:22 pm
What people need to understand it is that it is important that young healthy individuals should be the among the first in line to self isolate. They are the most likely to carry the virus asymptomatically — they feel fine and not feel personally particularly threaten by the situation and therefore see no idea of being careful about not touching surfaces, constantly keeping a 5 ft distance from others, washing hands all the time etc — and are most likely to spread the decease.


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#8 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 12:09:00 pm
Like Chris said. Also the remoter and wilder the better.

I'm not sure about this. This morning I, as I always do, looked at the weather forecast and the non-pandemic-addled part of my mind instantly went to planning a day hit up to the Lakes. Stuff I'd like to do up there is remote, out of the way, unlikely to be anyone I can't avoid, etc. I wouldn't be going to the Bowderstone. And it looks flipping mint.

But then I remembered it'd be at least a 2hr drive. The A65 is hardly a low risk road. I pretty much always stop somewhere for a wee, coffee, lunch or all 3 (not necessarily in that order). If something happened and I hurt myself there's a good chance it'd be a mountain rescue job, especially going on my own. All of these factors lead me to feel it wouldn't be responsible.

Off the top of my head, my criteria are:
- no visiting public places (services, public toilets, pubs, shops, etc.)
- nowhere likely to have more than a couple of other climbers, so we can maintain distance
- lowball, or good landings etc.
- NOT anywhere particularly remote so as to avoid any possibility that rescue would be required if something went wrong

Am I taking these too far? The list of possible venues looks pretty slim when you take them all into account...

It might also be worth considering the difference between outdoor activity during general covid restrictions, and outdoor activity when you are either infected or living with an infected person.

Seems pretty clear to me on the latter; if you or anyone you live with have symptoms you should not be leaving the house except for a zero contact walk or run.

SA Chris

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#9 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 12:20:00 pm
I think a balance needs to be struck between remoteness and risk of injury and chance of meeting others.


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#10 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 12:21:52 pm
The trouble is, there is so much grey in the government guidelines that every user group across the country (if we use UKB as an example) will be thinking of ways to continue the activity they enjoy. At least in France and Spain things are very clear even if people don't like it.

I think I generally agree with Bradders currently. Obviously the problem is that there are very few, if any places that truly tick all those boxes. On the other hand, currently the government hasn't said don't do it so I'm reluctant to curtail my own activity unnecessarily when I'm sure that is only weeks away anyway.



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#11 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 12:24:13 pm
Also should say my view has changed rapidly over the last few days. I went up to Northumberland over the weekend, and then down to Forest Rock on Monday. I had zero close contact with anyone on those trips, but I still stopped at services etc. and they aren't exactly quiet places (although thankfully no one else at FR).

Another part of me is still going "crack on and take care until told otherwise" though. At least as SM says there's certainty in France, Italy and Spain.


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#12 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 12:41:52 pm
Here in Austria I think the restrictions are bit more severe. We are advised to stay in the house (41sqm flat for me  :() except for work, essential shopping or helping people. If you are symptomless going for a walk in isolation is also permitted. I went for a wander yesterday past a bouldering venue and there was a group of people there - in my opinion this is totally irresponsible unless they all live together. I don't start my job until April so was hoping to go exploring for the next few weeks now that the weather is good. I was tempted to go out bouldering somewhere unpopular (shit) on my own but the reaction of people on the Austrian climbing facebook groups has dissuaded me - might get lynched if anyone found out!

Looking a bit grim for the foreseeable, I only moved here recently so I've not got a fingerboard or anything set up. I have nearly completed grand theft auto vice city though  8).


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#13 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 01:35:03 pm
Plenty of folk up at bbg today apparently....

What happens if (for example) you’re at remergence. Normally someone else comes along “do you mind if I join in etc..” - will this happen? Will people say piss off I was here first! Or an awkward British silence.

SA Chris

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#14 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 01:41:54 pm
It they aren't sensitive enough to the issue, you move on.


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#15 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 01:44:49 pm

What happens if (for example) you’re at remergence. Normally someone else comes along “do you mind if I join in etc..” - will this happen? Will people say piss off I was here first! Or an awkward British silence.

Just start coughing dryly as soon as you see anyone approaching.


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#16 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 02:12:51 pm
Plenty of folk up at bbg today apparently....

What happens if (for example) you’re at remergence. Normally someone else comes along “do you mind if I join in etc..” - will this happen? Will people say piss off I was here first! Or an awkward British silence.

I went to Burbage, chose there because it's close to home so minimal drive and approach.  Bad choice to find quiet but I wasn't expecting it to be rammed, all the parking taken roadside and above West.  Mostly walkers but plenty of boulderers out.
I got a spot at Little Roof, folk mostly keeping to themselves, one guy did come over had a quick look but left before I asked him to. If he'd stuck around I would have suggested he could climb on the Wobble Buttress until I was done in 10 minutes or so, if he'd refused I guess I'd have to leave.
Of course there's those you look at and consider idiots, six lads out walking swigging from beer bottles.  But I guess they'd be idiots, virus or not


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#17 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 02:21:19 pm
Is it essential you go out boulder?

I ll answer for you, NO!

It is totally selfish and irresponsible.  I m going to go crazy too, stuck in doors, but if we all adopt a selfish whats the harm if i just nip out for a quick boulder attitude to help my mental health then everyone will be out doing their own thing and justifying it for 'my mental health'.

FFS think of other people.

At this rate we are heading for total lock down, (with police stopping and issuing fines etc) and it is because selfish irresponsible people are ignoring the government advice. (which admittedly is geared to shoring up our underfunded and overworked NHS)

« Last Edit: March 19, 2020, 02:27:13 pm by Smith42 »


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#18 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 02:28:30 pm
I went to Anston this morning. I didn't feel irresponsible (maybe that makes me a bad person?), and closest I got to others was passing some dog walkers at a distance of 1-2m. Walking home from the shops the other day there were still groups of people in the pub (this surprised me - I defo wouldn't be doing that, and have stopped going to even small private training facilities, of which I have access to 2, as it seems irresponsible when I have fingerboards and TRX etc at home).

I'm significantly more conflicted about going to popular crags on weekends or driving further... not really made up my mind about that yet...

The selfish part of me has this problem with not going out at all: this shit will last months. So no going climbing, at a wall or outside, until 2021??


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#19 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 02:32:00 pm
At this rate we are heading for total lock down

The only difference between my current existence and full lock-down is climbing outside. In that sense, if we assume that climbing outside is irresponsible, it becomes irrelevant whether we're locked down or not.

SA Chris

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#20 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 02:45:30 pm
Smith 42, so what in your mind is acceptable? Do we all have to stay indoors 24/7 until August? Can I go for a run on the quiet roads around me? Walk round the block? Walk to the shops?


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#21 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 02:46:58 pm
Is it essential you go out boulder?

I ll answer for you, NO!

It is totally selfish and irresponsible.  I m going to go crazy too, stuck in doors, but if we all adopt a selfish whats the harm if i just nip out for a quick boulder attitude to help my mental health then everyone will be out doing their own thing and justifying it for 'my mental health'.

FFS think of other people.

At this rate we are heading for total lock down, (with police stopping and issuing fines etc) and it is because selfish irresponsible people are ignoring the government advice. (which admittedly is geared to shoring up our underfunded and overworked NHS)

I don't totally disagree with this but if thats the government position then they need to legislate to that effect and lock down. I already don't leave the house except for food as Barrows has said. I am reluctant to take the moral high ground to the extent of it affecting my sanity when there are other people out taking advantage of the grey areas left by the government. Its really tricky and something I am wrestling with constantly. I don't want to be a bad and irresponsible citizen but equally if the government say its ok then I'm going to listen.


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#22 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 03:06:22 pm
I currently have several of the symptoms and am writing this from my bed - tho it’s the first time I’ve had to properly rest all week, so it’s not that bad at all. Nevertheless from here I am well envious of anyone fingerboarding and using their TRX!

Bear in mind that until Sunday I felt totally fine but was probably highly contagious. So what worries me is when people say “I’m meeting my climbing partner and going to an esoteric venue” is that you have to assume either one of you could pass the virus on to the other.

I totally get the mental health aspect - less than a week inside and more than a week to go, it sucks - but the risk for others is much higher. We could all be part of a chain passing the infection on and helping to infect people we’ve never met.

It’s monumentally shit: my better half spent some of her childhood living in a war zone and says it reminds her of that time, just with regular food supplies and functioning electricity.


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#23 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 03:16:12 pm
So what worries me is when people say “I’m meeting my climbing partner and going to an esoteric venue” is that you have to assume either one of you could pass the virus on to the other.

Undoubtedly the safest option would be to go climbing on your own or with people in your household, not to lift share, not to meet people at the crag etc.

I totally get the mental health aspect - less than a week inside and more than a week to go, it sucks [...]

It’s monumentally shit:

I think what me and others are driving at/wrestling with is that we're not talking about a couple of weeks here. If we were, the answer would be trivial - don't do shit. Ok, your full self-isolation phase where no-one steps outside the front door is only 2 weeks, but away from that phase we seem to be looking at a 2-18 month timeframe. Only leaving the house to go to the food shops once a week, for the next 2-18 months would make 2 weeks of self-isolation look like Disneyland. Especially for those that live on their own, old or young.


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#24 Re: Climbing during CV-19
March 19, 2020, 03:29:54 pm
The safest option or the only option? Hard to say, I think the later unless you’ve both been infected and come out of the other side.

And yes I totally get it’s the timescale that’s daunting and awful. But... there was hardly any climbing done 39-45, Joe Brown got shipped off to the Far East for two years to do national service, etc. That’s the kind of ballpark we are in right now.  :alky:

Personally I think the first few months will be the worst. After that hopefully better testing and a better equipped health service might be enough to give is some freedoms back. But maybe saying that I’m just bargaining to make myself feel better...


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