Coronavirus Covid-19 (Read 715610 times)


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#2450 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 24, 2020, 09:54:43 pm
I feel pretty lucky to have just finished my uni studies. One small positive may be that in 3 years time there will be fewer graduates applying for the same jobs, due to reduced student numbers this year.
I have no idea what I would do if i was chosing to start uni or not now, the job market is crap, casual work is slim pickings, cant bum around abroad and university sounds pretty rough living in halls etc..
Having seen organisation of phd programs at close hand, the workload imposed on university staff at all levels seems completely unsustainable, and entirely reliant on good will from staff. I feel pretty bad for phd students too, many have suffered huge delays and will see no extension to funding, with projects falling apart due to lack of fieldwork and labwork. Mental health is a knoen issue with phd types, and none of this will help. Grim stuff all round.


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#2451 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 24, 2020, 09:57:20 pm
There are more students this year aren’t there? Due to the A level fuck up.


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#2452 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 24, 2020, 10:00:42 pm
It’ll be interesting to see where we are in a few weeks but judging by what’s happening in Sheffield I can’t see schools being open beyond half term. My youngest was sent home yesterday. Everyone seems to know someone whose kid/class has been sent home. Universities? Entire halls of residence will be in lockdown in a few weeks.

Without an effective test/trace system there’s no way to get on top of it. It’s blind faith to think we’ll muddle through.


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#2453 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 24, 2020, 10:03:46 pm
To answer on HE - I think nearly all Universities could have taught most (90-95%) of things remotely. No need for students to come in at all. BUT - this would be seen as terrible value at 9K fees PA - completely understandably...

My degree involved 10-15 hours per week of practical lab work.... a year or two of remote learning could result in a generation of pretty hopeless experimentalists (or a lot of horrible accidents in kitchens). 

I do feel sorry for the students... £9k pa for house arrest.  I'd have found that hard to take, and I'm from generation with no tuition fees (hell, I was indigent enough to get a grant towards living costs).  A plus of university is that even if the people you're initially forced near don't appeal, there's lots of opportunity to meet others; now everyone's forced to stay in their (re-)education internment camp.


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#2454 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 24, 2020, 10:08:17 pm
If I'd had the option of a job I wouldn't have been going this year I think, but I was fairly uncertain about the whole thing anyway and didn't have specific career goals that required a degree.

If I were in the situation many of them are in now I'd be heading back to my parents and studying from there. It doesn't appear there's much to gain in staying.

Starting uni can be a lonely and homesick time for many. Obviously  in normal times most people get past that fairly quickly, but if you end up self isolating too, with half a dozen people you don't know and might not like, plus not necessarily having access to a communal space to share with them except your cramped kitchen... It doesn't bode well for your mental health.

That said, I was quarantined for 8 days in my first term at University, with mumps, and it wasn't so bad. They gave me internet access at the medical centre and some of my new friends from halls visited my window occasionally and threw me chocolate bars, which I couldn't eat because every time I salivated my jaw was swollen shut. At least I was able to socialise though.

andy popp

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#2455 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 05:35:23 am
My daughter just started her fourth and final year at Edinburgh. This semester is almost completely dissertation so she would have little teaching anyway (the dissertation had to be completely retooled in the summer as she couldn't do any field work, she's reading anthropology). She's in a nice apartment with two very close friends, so no miserable halls experience. Things could be worse. But her mental health is definitely suffering somewhat. I think it is the uncertainty more than anything, as well as separation from me and her grandparents. In her situation it makes sense to just finish, even if it won't be the experience it should be, but if she'd been a fresher I'd have had very serious doubts about the worth of going. But what else to do? No jobs, probably no internships (not that I'm plugged into those kinds of networks), very little opportunity to travel. I can take this but can easily imagine the doubts and stresses young people must be suffering from. What does the future hold?

Interestingly, my son, who never finished his degree and has been working the last few years, has decided this is a good time to start an OU degree, which I'm very happy about.

All of her teaching so far has been pre-recorded, with no opportunity for interaction, which I find disappointing, but I've also seen British academics saying they are required to pre-record all classes? I finished teaching the day before lockdown in the spring and so didn't have to transition to online then. I'm just getting to end of an intense period of teaching now - two brand new classes, both of which meet more than once a week, with some sessions being up to two and a half hours. I teach a third in person and the rest online, which I do "live" via Zoom. I've found this both easier and more satisfying than I expected


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#2456 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 08:39:10 am
My oldest is ion his second year at a central London uni and says all is fine. Gets 2 sessions a week of tutor contact, the rest on line. He is socialising in groups of 6 which suits him fine as he was never that bothered with the big party’s.
He was supposed to be in a shared house but half of the students he was sharing with were overseas and have not returned so we made a last minute decision to put him in a self contained student apartment which he loves.
He had no intention of coming home before Christmas and I don’t believe that they will be stopped coming home then anyway.
Whilst it’s not exactly what he signed up for in his own words it’s a fuck load better than being stuck at home with me and his mum.


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#2457 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 08:59:14 am
More on HE: Its different in every institution (though minor shades of grey really).

I think its a much less potentially fraught situation for returning 2nd and 3rd year students (and 4th sorry!) as they already have their social networks sorted out - know staff  - their department, course and to an extent what to expect. Also - most 2nd/3rd year students return to smaller units of housing (shared houses/private landlords) rather than blocks of halls of residence - which makes distancing/bubbles easier. Furthermore, 2nd and 3rd year teaching tends to be in smaller groups (though not always).

@Moose - labs can be managed for socially distanced teaching - but means you have to teach 10 or 20 people at once instead of 40 or 80... so you end up doing 2-4x the teaching. But most units in our university have postponed their lab classes until Semester 2 after Xmas - hoping things will be easier then.

Delivering classes via recordings or zoom/teams throws up a whole raft of new challenges. Firstly, we are told that hour/50 min long monologues are not in - so all asynchronous delivery (pre recorded!) has to be in 15 min chunks. Then try and have an online quiz or such like in between each chunk. For perfectionists this means re-recording lectures multiple times to get them perfect - I have colleagues using green screens etc.. etc.. so for some this massively ramps up the workload.

Synchronous delivery (via teams/zoom) is for me a largely soulless experience. When you lecture a room - it is a performance - you read your crowd - see how they are on the utterly bored <—> inspired scale and adjust accordingly. When you talk to a screen full of black boxes (near no-one puts their camera on) it drains any buzz or excitement about the delivery from what you do. Even a class you had delivered ten times - I still get a tingle before delivering it as you never know what will happen. That has disappeared. Positives are that students use the chat to ask questions they may not have done - and sometimes answer them themselves. But - if you have a class of 50+ it’s impossible to keep up with chat and lecture at the same time. You need a wingman/woman to deal with that (something we’re doing in a volunteer way with colleagues)..

And we’re all getting used to the tech. My laptop (6 months old) starts to creak when there’s a large TEAMS class going on - all 8 cores are at 80+ percent... if you have a poor / weak broadband connection then its not a great experience. This can disproportionately affect those with less resources than others... We also have a strange situation here where we have 4 or 5 different systems that don’t really talk to each other. We have a system for timetabling, one for student information/welfare, then a VLE (Canvas - a virtual learning environment) where all our recorded lectures and stuff are supposed to live, and then we deliver via TEAMS that also has places where you can record lectures and leave docs etc.. Everyone is feeling their way around how all this works - and so are the students.

Anyway - I shall stop moaning/explaining the issues. I still have a job for the next year at least so in present climes that’s something to be glad of. /out

Oh - one last thing. PPE etc.. We have this bizarre rule that everyone has to wear a face mask around campus buildings - EXCEPT in a lecture theatre...

James Malloch

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#2458 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 09:46:36 am

But her mental health is definitely suffering somewhat. I think it is the uncertainty more than anything, as well as separation from me and her grandparents.

I can relate to this. I'm the kind of person that doesn't really have bad days, but this year the uncertainty with everything is shit! I'm also lucky that we're in a good financial position too, but covid means everything requires so much change, and every choice needs so much more decision making - it's completely exhausting.

Want to see your family? How long should I isolate for before hand, is that tickle in my throat that's been there for two months covid?
Want to see very ill family who are in mainland Europe, god that's so much harder logictically.
Move wedding to next year. There's a good chance people won't be able to travel over safely the way things are looking.
Can't work from home due to space - time to double expenses and get another place to allow you to do this (with no idea when you could move back - we've therefore decided to buy).

This is all whilst living in a beautiful place, loads of freedom, easy access to the fells & climbing, no financial worries, close to family (can chat in the street at least).

I really feel for all of those in tougher situations - students who now seem to be housebound, racking up debt and having a crap time. Those worried about jobs. Though having to work 7 days a week. Those who can't see family.

andy popp

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#2459 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 10:22:21 am
Thanks James.

Synchronous delivery (via teams/zoom) is for me a largely soulless experience.

I'm definitely a performer when it comes to teaching. I extemporise all my lectures and so I'm not tied to a lectern or notes. I move around and gesture a lot. I think I would hate prerecording (both as a teacher and a student) but I'm finding that live via Zoom I am getting enough feedback and interaction to make it feel "real" and worthwhile. That's true at least for the class I also teach in person, with whom it's been easier to develop some rapport. This is a class of about 70 but there are typically between 40 and 50 log-ins (but more students as some of them are gathering to take the class together). I am sure I would tire of it, and probably quite quickly, but luckily the intensity of this block means I'll soon be done with teaching for a while.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2020, 10:32:05 am by andy popp »

James Malloch

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#2460 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 03:22:03 pm
From my friends FB page. I don’t know if the numbers are UK specific, but it highlights how shit it is for the Arts sector at the moment. What good is the new jobs scheme if you can’t operate?


Today is hard.
I don’t know if the audience side really understands how dire the situation is for millions of hard-working professionals.
Broadway is closed until 2021, 6 West End venues THINK they can open at the moment. Cirque du Soleil is filing for bankruptcy and cut 3500+ jobs. Feld Entertainment laid off 90% of its workforce permanently. Live Nation had to lay off a significant amount of employees. Cruise ship entertainers are out of work.
Theme park productions have no idea when they will be recalled. There are no concerts, festivals or touring productions scheduled until 2021 and if they don’t happen next year, they may never happen again. No Jazz Fest, no Coachella, no Bonnaroo, no EDC, no Glastonbury, no Download, no ROLLING STONES FINAL TOUR(S), no ballet, no opera....all gone.
It’s being predicted that 90% of independent music venues may close, the longer this continues. No more 1st Ave, Whiskey-a-GoGo, no more Tipitina’s, no more Red Rocks, no more CroBar, all gone. Entertainment Management, Publicity, Live events coordinator, Performing arts organizations of all kinds- choirs, theatres, orchestras, dance companies- all are trying to figure out on a daily basis how to keep going and employ anyone they can in the field.
More than 12,000,000 people work in entertainment production, we are not insignificant and this industry cannot reopen until mass gatherings can happen again. This doesn’t include the additional layoff of venue management and bar staff, security and thousands of vendors. Also, we can’t forget about the hundreds of thousands of performers and entertainers that make  these careers possible, without them, there is no show.
So understand that your performer friends are helplessly watching our industry crumble before our eyes because the government are growing us under the bus. For some there is no financial support, or if there is, it simply isn't enough to even cover the basics & people are falling through the cracks.
This IS personal for us, our entire livelihood is dependent on social gathering and we will not accept being labeled “nonessential”.
Music and art are critical to a cheerful, balanced society.
Everyone’s career and the whole industry is indefinitely on hold.
Gratefully copied. Feel free to do the same.
#SaveOurStages #SaveTheArts #artseducationmatters #WeMakeEvents


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#2461 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 03:30:52 pm
This week has been hard for me CV19 Mental health wise - as its now pretty clear that things are (a) going to get alot worse and (b) there's no reprieve until spring.

Of course I didnt think it would be fine by Xmas etc.. and expected a second wave - but did not expect it to be so soon  - and quite dramatic (as it seems to be at the moment). And its dark before 7pm now!

Not alot of happy stuff around at the moment.... Except our lad is loving his first two weeks at reception... :)


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#2462 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 03:33:41 pm
I don’t know if the numbers are UK specific
More than 12,000,000 people work in entertainment production,

Defo not a UK number unless >1/3 of the workforce is in entertainment production...

andy popp

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#2463 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 03:36:44 pm
Except our lad is loving his first two weeks at reception... :)

Well, that's a big plus.

James Malloch

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#2464 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 03:42:21 pm
I don’t know if the numbers are UK specific
More than 12,000,000 people work in entertainment production,

Defo not a UK number unless >1/3 of the workforce is in entertainment production...

True that. Still, shitty numbers.

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#2465 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 03:48:49 pm
This week has been hard for me CV19 Mental health wise - as its now pretty clear that things are (a) going to get alot worse and (b) there's no reprieve until spring.

Of course I didnt think it would be fine by Xmas etc.. and expected a second wave - but did not expect it to be so soon  - and quite dramatic (as it seems to be at the moment). And its dark before 7pm now!

Not alot of happy stuff around at the moment.... Except our lad is loving his first two weeks at reception... :)

Hope you can find some bits of reprieve in among it all.

Feeling the same this week - and the darkness is a big hit to that. I think back in March, it was all a bit novel despite being so strict. 30 mins out a day meant I had loads of energy, everyone was in it together, social life changed loads to make the situation better (e.g. loads of online socialising).

Now, nights are getting longer, everything feels exhausting, life is kind of BAU with way less of the fun things and you know it'll get worse.


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#2466 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 04:30:28 pm
Except our lad is loving his first two weeks at reception... :)

Well, that's a big plus.

Yes it is. And he’s not had to be sent home yet which is a huge plus (year 5 is all in quarantine).

Though - it’s very odd at home. Whilst I now have time to work (and climb!!) with no childcare during school hours - it’s strangely quiet being in the house when he’s normally there all the time (even if I’m working..).

Being amongst his peers (at 4) has made a huge difference though. Apart from meeting the odd friend of his in the park it’s just been us at home for the last 6 months.


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#2467 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 05:33:28 pm
This week has been hard for me CV19 Mental health wise - as its now pretty clear that things are (a) going to get alot worse and (b) there's no reprieve until spring.

Of course I didnt think it would be fine by Xmas etc.. and expected a second wave - but did not expect it to be so soon  - and quite dramatic (as it seems to be at the moment). And its dark before 7pm now!

Not alot of happy stuff around at the moment.... Except our lad is loving his first two weeks at reception... :)
  Totally get this and was in a very similar place mid summer, getting dragged down by all the negativity and bleakness of it all.  It's very difficult times for us all, hope things pick up for you and you're getting time to go do whatever keeps you sane.
Happy to report my kids are back in school as am I.  3 weeks in and we are all noticeably less stressed (apart from trying to leave the house in morning!) and enjoying doing something close to 'normal' life. My pupils are all settling in well too and their parents report big improvements on the whole.  Went for our weekly surf with 5 of my pupils today which is always great for wellbeing.  None of the schools in my town (Barnstaple) have had to isolate a bubble or year group yet.  Very hopeful, for everyone's sake, this continues.
We are still living a very cautious life in general (to protect my wife as much as we can).  Not going to shops, restaurants etc.. and having everything delivered. I'm not indoor climbing at all, fortunately the weather has been helpful and have been really enjoying bouldering outdoors regularly.

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#2468 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 06:05:32 pm

it’s strangely quiet being in the house when he’s normally there all the time (even if I’m working..).

It's been very strange of everyone in one way or another. My work sent us home a few days before schools closed, so there were 4 of us in the house all day every day until schools returned, not I feel the need to have a radio on most of the day when the kids are at school.


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#2469 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 06:10:15 pm
Thanks Brutus - nice post. Here in Greater Manchester as of yesterday there were 256 schools with one or more cases... in Manchester itself the +ve case rate is about 180/100000 so it’s all feeling very real...

Like you we’re being very careful with mixing - shopping etc...
« Last Edit: September 25, 2020, 06:18:33 pm by tomtom »


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#2470 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 06:48:18 pm

it’s strangely quiet being in the house when he’s normally there all the time (even if I’m working..).

It's been very strange of everyone in one way or another. My work sent us home a few days before schools closed, so there were 4 of us in the house all day every day until schools returned, not I feel the need to have a radio on most of the day when the kids are at school.

Six of us and three dogs.

Suddenly, I’m alone with the dogs. Hopefully I’ll be off soon, but it’s actually uncomfortable, right now.

The Uni story is looking rather dark, based on posts here and the media are starting to catch on.
Very, very bad PR.


Actually, that didn’t covey the degree of my disgust at the attitude of many universities; even if only half of what I’ve heard is true.

I’m due to start another MSc in Jan (Eng management) with Leeds. Will go back and shop around again if there’s this sort of thing going on there.

My daughter is already hunting, she wants to read law . However, she’s a dual national UK/Rom so she’s free to chose across Europe. When she settled on law, that seemed irrelevant, but we’ve been discussing her going to her Grandmother in Italy/Milano. Attitudes overseas seem better.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2020, 07:01:53 pm by Oldmanmatt »


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#2471 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 07:04:56 pm
Yup. My work Twitter account is full of stories like this. Through the guardian article does quote a PhD student doing additional teaching (for which they are getting paid above their bursary - usually) so it’s a bit naughty possibly.

One of my colleagues has to teach in a lab that he has been assured has been deep cleaned etc... the hair he taped over the door in March when we all had to leave is still in place. That story is indicative of the mistrust around senior management too...

Most of our students have been great. And tbh they’ll see more of me on a computer screen than they will in person this year... not sure who is happier about that 😂😂


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#2472 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 08:06:19 pm
Yup. My work Twitter account is full of stories like this. Through the guardian article does quote a PhD student doing additional teaching (for which they are getting paid above their bursary - usually) so it’s a bit naughty possibly.

One of my colleagues has to teach in a lab that he has been assured has been deep cleaned etc... the hair he taped over the door in March when we all had to leave is still in place. That story is indicative of the mistrust around senior management too...

Most of our students have been great. And tbh they’ll see more of me on a computer screen than they will in person this year... not sure who is happier about that 😂😂

I have just sat down and begun to scroll FB, which in my case is pretty much all media outlets.
The first post was:

And there are numerous other, similar, reports from all over the UK (all three mainland nations, anyway).
At least 32 Uni’s affected.
Is it me, or is it collapsing already?

All shut down within three weeks. Anybody offering a different prediction? Is there a way we can set up a sweepstake on here?


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#2473 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 08:13:37 pm
Yup. My work Twitter account is full of stories like this. Through the guardian article does quote a PhD student doing additional teaching (for which they are getting paid above their bursary - usually) so it’s a bit naughty possibly.

One of my colleagues has to teach in a lab that he has been assured has been deep cleaned etc... the hair he taped over the door in March when we all had to leave is still in place. That story is indicative of the mistrust around senior management too...

Most of our students have been great. And tbh they’ll see more of me on a computer screen than they will in person this year... not sure who is happier about that 😂😂

I think you should start all your lectures with you reading a relevant comic strip from the Lego magazine to your lad, then ask him the obvious questions arising from what you have just read. Let him give his answers and then you deliver the extended answer.

the kids will love it

The Lego Lectures


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#2474 Re: Coronavirus Covid-19
September 25, 2020, 08:17:23 pm
My son's not long since started school reception too. It's been positive in the main for the same reasons others have said, but we all now have sinking colds. I guess this was inevitable but it's a bit disheartening because we realise how vulnerable we are to viruses now we're intersecting with school. It's likely just a matter of time before he brings CV home considering the number of little coughs I've been hearing when dropping him off.

It's been weird going from exercising so much control, caution and restraint to surrendering it all. Still, I'm glad he's back.


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