Politics 2023 (Read 500318 times)


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#550 Re: Politics 2020
November 01, 2020, 12:47:39 pm
On the subject of Corbyn, the former Labour MP Ruth Smeeth has just written a personal account for the Guardian.

Quite an arresting first paragraph:
Shit-stirring Zionist cum buckets, bought and paid for by Israel.” According to the Labour party governance unit, as recently as last year, this statement made about Margaret Hodge and I was neither racist nor misogynist and didn’t warrant any action against the Labour party member who had written it. That is, until it appeared on the front page of a national newspaper and even then, the member wasn’t suspended until Jeremy Corbyn had to face MPs in parliament.


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#551 Re: Politics 2020
November 01, 2020, 01:21:11 pm
I have to say I find a search for Middle Eastern Eye’s ideological baggage a distraction in the current case. To take Oborne’s article seriously we have to assume that a journalist who has spent a day reading the report has a better grasp of the situation than the team of lawyers who spent months researching the case. And we have to make this assessment whilst also acknowledging the deep need for many on the left to downplay the findings in order to preserve their view of themselves as principled anti-racists, rather than people who looked the other way.

I had a quick scroll through the report today. On my extremely brief reading, the allegation that someone else ran the NEC seems fairly minor. The leaders office claimed in their submission that they had every right to oversee politically sensitive cases, then rowed back when they realised they had broken their own rules. They thought it was perfectly acceptable for complaints against Corbyn to be dismissed by the leader’s office rather than going through the proper channels. They had people overseeing cases who also helped the alleged perpetrator - clearly completely corrupt and unfair.

Nothing was written down formally but there was a massive exchange of information via private channels; information which Corbyn’s flunkies declared was too onerous to give to the EHRC but which they somehow managed to collate for their own private report.

One paragraph stood out for me. Amongst the stuff they couldn’t investigate - because it pertained to members not “agents” for whom the Party was legally responsible  - were allegations of Holocaust denial and praising Hitler. Something has gone very wrong in a left wing party when people like that believe they are welcome there.


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#552 Re: Politics 2020
November 01, 2020, 01:50:06 pm
I have to say I find a search for Middle Eastern Eye’s ideological baggage a distraction in the current case. To take Oborne’s article seriously we have to assume that a journalist who has spent a day reading the report has a better grasp of the situation than the team of lawyers who spent months researching the case. And we have to make this assessment whilst also acknowledging the deep need for many on the left to downplay the findings in order to preserve their view of themselves as principled anti-racists, rather than people who looked the other way.

I had a quick scroll through the report today. On my extremely brief reading, the allegation that someone else ran the NEC seems fairly minor. The leaders office claimed in their submission that they had every right to oversee politically sensitive cases, then rowed back when they realised they had broken their own rules. They thought it was perfectly acceptable for complaints against Corbyn to be dismissed by the leader’s office rather than going through the proper channels. They had people overseeing cases who also helped the alleged perpetrator - clearly completely corrupt and unfair.

Nothing was written down formally but there was a massive exchange of information via private channels; information which Corbyn’s flunkies declared was too onerous to give to the EHRC but which they somehow managed to collate for their own private report.

One paragraph stood out for me. Amongst the stuff they couldn’t investigate - because it pertained to members not “agents” for whom the Party was legally responsible  - were allegations of Holocaust denial and praising Hitler. Something has gone very wrong in a left wing party when people like that believe they are welcome there.

Yes, I agree it was a distraction, it just caught my attention. The piece linked is concerning. The Oborne one wasn't though, and it's interesting principally because he is no friend of the left in general. Had it appeared on the canary or similar I would have dismissed it immediately. However back on topic, my views on Corbyn and his suspension are almost identical to Ali K and JB further up the thread. I have no problem with his suspension.


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#553 Re: Politics 2020
November 01, 2020, 05:50:54 pm
However back on topic, my views on Corbyn and his suspension are almost identical to Ali K and JB further up the thread. I have no problem with his suspension.

Indeed, having thought about it a bit, and listened to some different commentaries on the suspension (interesting that the New Statesman and Spectator podcasts from journalists had very similar takes on it considering), it's rather difficult for anyone to have a considered position which argues with Corbyn's suspension. He explicitly did exactly what the report had most criticised the party under his leadership for; and also an hour or two after Starmer had said that those who deny the presence or magnitude of antisemitism in the Labour party after this report have no place in it. He basically suspended himself.
Personally I wonder if he either wanted to try to bolster the left's cause by becoming some sort of a martyr and focus for them to rally around by being suspended, or alternatively that he is incredibly stupid and self centred and genuinely thinks that it really is all about him.

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#554 Re: Politics 2020
November 01, 2020, 05:57:22 pm
Personally I wonder if he either wanted to try to bolster the left's cause by becoming some sort of a martyr and focus for them to rally around by being suspended, or alternatively that he is incredibly stupid and self centred and genuinely thinks that it really is all about him.

I know which one my money's on.

See also the multitudes on Twitter etc demanding that Starmer intervene with Corbyn's disciplinary procedure - the very thing that the former leader's office did wrong. You couldn't make it up.


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#555 Re: Politics 2020
November 01, 2020, 06:25:15 pm
OK - in the last few days there’s been a lockdown U turn, US election and other pandemic related stuff to occupy the news, But.....

The generally Tory focused press have been pretty - err - generous to Starmer and Labour as a whole in their coverage. As on here - its generally been along the lines of Corbyn shot himself in the foot - was very out of touch - and good riddance. Really they could have had a field day with this... and they’ve not.

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#556 Re: Politics 2020
November 01, 2020, 07:32:12 pm
The generally Tory focused press have been pretty - err - generous to Starmer and Labour as a whole in their coverage...they could have had a field day with this... and they’ve not.
I’m not sure what they could have attacked him for though? Isn’t that the problem with Starmer (for the Tories) - that he doesn’t fall into the traps that Corbyn used to.

And drawing attention to how Starmer has dealt with it would (a) draw an even bigger line between him and Corbyn (a good thing for Labour), and (b) show what a pussy Johnson has been when it comes to disciplining any of his cabinet or advisers. Oh, and the Islamophobia issue the Tories have which they aren’t doing anything about.


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#557 Re: Politics 2020
November 01, 2020, 07:48:32 pm
Plenty to go at I’d have thought. In the general “chaos at labour”, “civil war” stuff etc.. and that KS was a senior member of the Shadow cabinet when all of this was going on. Anyway - I’m not trying to shit stir - just surprised they’ve not gone for him more.

I’ll put money on Boris bringing it up at PMQ’s though.


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#558 Re: Politics 2020
November 01, 2020, 10:51:43 pm
Plenty to go at I’d have thought. In the general “chaos at labour”, “civil war” stuff etc.. and that KS was a senior member of the Shadow cabinet when all of this was going on. Anyway - I’m not trying to shit stir - just surprised they’ve not gone for him more.

I’ll put money on Boris bringing it up at PMQ’s though.

Re the media, interestingly,  I thought that the Spectator journalists were slightly more generous to Starmer and the Labour party in general, than the New Statesman.  Boris may well bring it up,  but hes going to have a very difficult time explaining why he has now done what Keir Starmer told him to do 2 or 3 weeks ago,  and why he'll probably need Labour votes to get this lockdown 2 through parliament,  as so many of his MPs will rebel.  Conservative backbenchers are apparently absolutely livid with him and many hate any increase on restrictions. They've  got at least as many problems as Labour with party unity.


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#559 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 07:04:15 am
« Last Edit: November 02, 2020, 07:18:19 am by benpritch »


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#560 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 05:55:58 pm
I said I wouldn't but you Guardianistas shouldn't have it all your own way. Thanks for the share BP David Graeber is a legend, well known in academic circles in London and a huge influence on many young leftists...I only discovered him a short time ago sadly he died very recently RIP.   :'(
And another alternative Jewish voice professor Norman Finkelstein. 


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#561 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 06:25:25 pm
Thanks Brutus. I recognise the name, but don’t know much about Finkelstein. I am quite open to hearing a different point of view, but found it disappointingly long on assertion and generalisations such as ‘conspiracy’ and ‘British elites’ but short of developed argument.

I was pleased when Corbyn won the leadership, because I thought under Miliband’s weak leadership the party had forgotten what it was for. That changed when LP members went unpunished for anti-Semitic speech.

It is not enough to say Corbyn threatened the prevailing order and so there was a fabricated scandal. The unwillingness to deal with antisemites in Labour was capitalised upon by his enemies - of course it was! They call it politics- but the failure to address the issue is the party leader’s to own.

Ultimately,  I reproach Corbyn for that, and for being so spectacularly bad at politics outside of the factional left that we face 4 more years of an incompetent government with a near unassailable majority. The far left enabled the populist right, and that is a terrible legacy.


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#562 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 06:41:33 pm
Thanks Brutus. I recognise the name, but don’t know much about Finkelstein.

Finkelstein wrote a book called The Holocaust Industry which made significant waves when it was published. I read it years ago at university and it made quite an impression on me. He is undoubtedly a polemicist and has a very forthright style on a podium which can put people off, but worth reading I think even if he probably isn't all that much fun to be around. His second book Beyond Chutzpah is basically a takedown of Alan Dershowitz, who defended OJ Simpson successfully. His books have the same give-no-quarter attitude as his speech but they are meticulously footnoted to back up his sometimes quite strident points. Haven't seen him crop up for a few years so thanks for the link Brutus.


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#563 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 06:47:13 pm
JR under Corbyn the LP had over half a million members, add staff to that and union affiliates.  How many instances of law breaches did the EHRC find amongst all that??   The answer is 2.
Is the prevalence of anti-semitism more than the whole of our society within the LP?
We should of course strive to remove AS and all forms of racism from our society and politics. 
Is the prevalence of AS and racism more or less within other political parties?
Will the EHRC be investigating the Conservative party where the prevalence of AS and Islamaphobia is higher?  Will there be calls for expulsions?
There needs to be some balance to all of all this because from where I'm sitting it's grossly unfair.  Find it flabergasting that the current leadership immediately ignored the recommendations within the EHRC report by expelling JC without following any kind of procedure or protocol.. 


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#564 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 06:53:09 pm
Ok, here some altenrative viewpoints re - Corbyn from Jewish people

Thanks for the links Ben, always good to hear David Graeber speak - RIP. Also heard that the world lost Robert Fisk today. A tragedy for real journalism, especially RE the Middle East.


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#565 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 06:58:50 pm
Thanks Brutus. I recognise the name, but don’t know much about Finkelstein.

Finkelstein wrote a book called The Holocaust Industry which made significant waves when it was published. I read it years ago at university and it made quite an impression on me. He is undoubtedly a polemicist and has a very forthright style on a podium which can put people off, but worth reading I think even if he probably isn't all that much fun to be around. His second book Beyond Chutzpah is basically a takedown of Alan Dershowitz, who defended OJ Simpson successfully. His books have the same give-no-quarter attitude as his speech but they are meticulously footnoted to back up his sometimes quite strident points. Haven't seen him crop up for a few years so thanks for the link Brutus.
Too true. Can't imagine he's a bundle of joy to be around.  There are much longer monologues on YouTube where his statements are much better qualified and evidenced if anyone wishes to indulge.


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#566 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 07:01:38 pm
Breaking the law isn’t the only issue and it’s serious, especially in a party which is supposed to embody ideals of equality and justice.

The Tories are a different, but no less vexed, issue. Agreed.

Relative incidence is not the point for me, but that this behaviour was not dealt with effectively. I felt that a good 12 months prior to any press polemic.

As far as I understand it Brutus, your last point is incorrect- he is suspended pending an investigation which may result in his expulsion. I do not see that Starmer had much choice tbh, having just announced that denying the problem would not be tolerated - and then Corbyn went and did just that, and stuck to his guns rather than rowing back.

Corbyn is emblematic of an egalitarian strand of politics and for that people love him very much. He also embodies a terrible lack of comprehension of how his politics is perceived more widely in society. Without an effective appeal outside of his natural electorate, the project was doomed.

Slaughtered by the press, at times unfairly misrepresented- yes. Politics.


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#567 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 07:05:09 pm
Oborne in Middle East Eye, yes? It's nothing less than an antisemitic blog.

could you post some evidence of that please? I've googled and duck duck go to no avail

A spin through the editor's twitter account, if your stomach is strong enough,

Sorry, catching up. By editor, do you mean David Hearst, formerly of the Guardian etc? I never read Twitter and won't start now (sorry!) so will need your help - is he himself posting anti-semitic material?


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#568 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 07:05:53 pm

Corbyn is emblematic of an egalitarian strand of politics and for that people love him very much. He also embodies a terrible lack of comprehension of how his politics is perceived more widely in society. Without an effective appeal outside of his natural electorate, the project was doomed.

I agree with all of this post but especially the above paragraph. I wish it were otherwise.

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#569 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 07:31:59 pm
This has reminded me of this essay by Graeber which came out just after the election.

I personally think it’s got a lot of great insight and analysis, although it might not be to everyone’s taste!

The paragraph about ‘swiftboating’ is quite pertinent to the above debate.


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#570 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 07:37:28 pm
JR under Corbyn the LP had over half a million members, add staff to that and union affiliates.  How many instances of law breaches did the EHRC find amongst all that??   The answer is 2.

The number of members is irrelevant, as the party is not responsible for their actions. The EHRC was mandated to examine the behaviour of "agents", ie people employed by or representing the party - as I put in an earlier post. Hence your figure of half a million is purely a rhetorical flourish rather than a figure that has much to do with the scope of the EHRC's findings.

Is the prevalence of anti-semitism more than the whole of our society within the LP?

Again, the report says it found instances of denying the scale of the  Holocaust and support for Hitler amongst members' social media postings.

That's p31 of the report:

It's quite clear that under Corbyn, racists felt perfectly comfortable in the Labour Party. It would do many posters on here to reflect upon why that is.

Edit: lots of Graeber love here, unsurprisingly, but you do know his writing on economics was full of factual errors? I'm sure it's a wonderful read.


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#571 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 10:34:34 pm
The number of members is irrelevant, as the party is not responsible for their actions. The EHRC was mandated to examine the behaviour of "agents", ie people employed by or representing the party - as I put in an earlier post. Hence your figure of half a million is purely a rhetorical flourish...
Again, the report says it found instances of denying the scale of the  Holocaust and support for Hitler amongst members' social media postings.

Errr, i dont think it cuts both ways? Surely the report comments on the actions of members, in which case the figure is more significant than a "rhetorical flourish"?


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#572 Re: Politics 2020
November 02, 2020, 11:14:26 pm
The “half a million members, two unlawful acts” is certainly a misleading ratio, for the reason I’ve explained. Bear in mind that as well as the denominator, we should be careful about the numerator too: the report describes these two incidents as “the tip of the iceberg”.


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#573 Re: Politics 2020
November 03, 2020, 08:05:22 pm
“the tip of the iceberg”.

Worryingly, I think you're right. Why can't we all just get on?


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#574 Re: Politics 2020
November 03, 2020, 08:21:10 pm
I do not see that Starmer had much choice tbh, having just announced that denying the problem would not be tolerated - and then Corbyn went and did just that, and stuck to his guns rather than rowing back.

[Corbyn] also embodies a terrible lack of comprehension of how his politics is perceived more widely in society.

+1 on both points.
Given where Labour (and the general public) is at, it would have been prudent for Corbyn to realise that his need to shout "yes, but..." should be suppressed, even if he thinks he's right. There are times when being right, and convincing others that your view is right, isn't what's important, and it's better just to say sorry, get over it and move on. Politics and family arguments strike me as two occasions where this is regularly true.


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