technical > music production

Major Mac nerd help needed - interface issue

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That doesn't sound normal.

I suppose you have tried to reset the NVRAM (or PRAM is the laptop is really old)?

If that didn't work you might have a hardware problem, most likely on the hard drive. Check the health of the hard drive using the disk utility tool or possibly some other software, I am not totally a jour... You might be able to rescue your laptop by changing just the hard drive (get a solid state!)

Johnny Brown:
First, check your RAM is maxxed out if user-upgradeable.

I swapped the CD drive in my old Macbook Pro for a SSD, cloned the c/ drive on to it, then wiped the old drive and moved the docs onto it. It was much faster. But I also kept it on an old OS. Obsolescence is the worst thing about Macs. We have a couple of high spec 2012 imacs at work that would be fast as fuck if Mojave hadn't crippled the wake from sleep.

I also have an old PC running my scanners on Windows XP. Appreciate there have been performance gains but every time I use it I'm reminded that OS user experience has improved very little since. Plus it's a tiny install that is rock solid.


--- Quote from: jwi on November 07, 2019, 01:13:22 pm ---
--- Quote from: remus on November 07, 2019, 12:09:20 pm ---
--- Quote from: jwi on November 07, 2019, 11:11:25 am ---Well, it is not as easy as that. If you want to keep backward compatibility with low bitrates you need to be willing to waste a lot of computer power = heat + cooling = lots of power generation.

--- End quote ---

Perhaps Im misunderstanding, but how does maintaining backwards compatibility generate significant overhead? Just thinking of some real world examples, windows is famously backwards compatible  (at an API level at least) but seems to be pretty competitive in performance terms which would suggest it's not spending loads of computing power on comparability.

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On the contrary, microsoft's commitment to backward compatibility is what makes the PC laptops enormous with really bad battery life.

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Personally I don't agree. PC laptops are neither enormous nor have poor battery life (compared to macs).

Will, my partner had similar issues with hers and got a more knowledgable friend to instal a SSHD now it works great, no more spinning wheel action. You can always back up all photos etc onto an an external HD or two before any messing about.

If you have thousands of topi shots, Russian bots,  etc. is your hd quite full?


--- Quote from: teestub on November 07, 2019, 01:32:30 pm ---If you have thousands of topi shots, Russian bots,  etc. is your hd quite full?

--- End quote ---

Filled with Albatross pictures..


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