the shizzle > topos - bouldering

Gandalf’s Crag or other stuff near Stroud?

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Am staying between Stroud and Cirencester (in a village called France Lynch) next week on holiday with the kids and wondering if there is anywhere nearby I can nip out bouldering for a couple of hours?

Gandalf’s Crag sounds like it might be worth a visit.  Anyone got a Topo?

Other suggestions welcome. Needs to be close by.  Not been before, but thinking maybe Winterborne for some highballing despite being further afield.

Or is there a board share in the vicinity?

Cheers, Luke.

SA Chris:
There's the mighty Haresfield Beacon?

It's not great, but it's close! Nice place for a picnic, but climbing is a not too exciting. The traverse below the tree to the right of the "main" crag is quite good fun.

Cheers.  I can’t say I’m massively inspired for Haresfield Beascon from the info on UKC, although as you say it does have the virtue of being nearby.

If I venture further afield to the Forest of Dean, which of the crags in the old Crocker guide would be best for combining a big of bouldering/soloing with some family bimbling around with the kids (2, 4 & 6 yrs old) and my (non-climbing) wife?

Also, would Castle Rock be any good for this kind of thing?

Biblins would be a good call altho I guess it's an hour away and not ideal with kidz

Hmm, yeah it either needs to be close (ideally within say 30 mins drive) so I can nip out for a couple of hours quick hit without wiping out the whole day, or pleasant enough that I can take the kids with me masquerading as a family day out.


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