the shizzle > new routes

[North Wales] [Penmaenbach Quarry] [Cyber Caff]


Bolted this up a couple of weeks ago and did it last night. Climbs really well!   ;D

16m  Cyber Caff  7c  **
A feisty little number with a droppable finish! This climbs the steepness left of 'In the Albion' with funky moves and stone. Start up the slab. Stem a corner to jugs then heel-hook traverse your way rightwards to tricky moves through the second overlap and a shake-out below the crux roof.
Pete Harrison 30.05.19

<iframe src="" width="640" height="564" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Paul B:
I like the name.  :devangel:

Nice one Pete, looks like something a bit different.

Wood FT:
Cyber Caff ey?


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