the shizzle > beta - bouldering

Font knowledge needed!

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I've been investigating a few projects for a font trip next year - as you do - and am strangely being drawn to slab high balls  - I am odd like that.  i spotted :  Le Dernier des Géants 7a at Mont Pivot and wondered if anybody here has done it / seen it / tried it and can tell me if it has any edges or of it is a typical smear beast?

Will Hunt:
Can't help with that specific problem, but I really enjoyed this:

There's loads of tall walls/slabs in that area that would fit the bill. The one I've just linked to also has a harder direct finish which will increase the spice (it's all over once you start to move left on the original route).


--- Quote from: Ti_pin_man on December 18, 2018, 02:24:04 pm ---I've been investigating a few projects for a font trip next year - as you do - and am strangely being drawn to slab high balls  - I am odd like that.  i spotted :  Le Dernier des Géants 7a at Mont Pivot and wondered if anybody here has done it / seen it / tried it and can tell me if it has any edges or of it is a typical smear beast?

--- End quote ---

i have not tried it, but walked past it a few times: it has holds, and they get better higher up. think the hardest moves are 2 -4 meters up on edges ( not even tiny ones), looks to climb more like a wall that a typical font slab

thats cool beta, I like some edges and especially higher up   :clap2:

Ma Qué Bella!

Patience Yago

A couple of ideas that look good. Never tried them so can't comment.


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