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Bouldering pad reviews

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Will Hunt:

--- Quote from: 205Chris on November 05, 2017, 07:47:42 pm ---Organic pads - bought two when we came to North America. Really impressed with the foam and build quality. The design means that the straps are on the underside of the pad when in use which is fine in perma-dry Bishop but more of an issue in UK mud unless you take a tarp with you. Biggest downside is probably the cost from importing them. 175 dollars for a simple pad in the US v 180 quid at Banana fingers.

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The wrap around flap on the Organic pad folds back (and can be secured with the buckles) over the shoulder straps for times when it's in use on a wet or muddy landing.

any views on the best small pad? Moon Pluto? Anything that will fit inside a medium sized taco pad. (Old franklin one)

As someone who suffers from a frequently buggered back from falling off lots, I have nothing but praise for the ocun dominator. Noticeably nice to land on compared to any other pad. Quite light to carry thanks to clever foam system. Only downside is its so thick, it might not be that great next to another pad.

SA Chris:
Agree totally with the above. For some of the probs I'm working on it's a tad too think (yes, bum drag traverses).

Ocun dominators are great. Think my big Snap is slightly better to land on, but it does way a ton in comparison.


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